Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

walking me down the aisle

My father passed away years ago. As soon as I got engaged,  my grandfather asked if he can walk me down the aisle and give me away. I actually just want my mother do it as she is the one who raised me all by herself and supported me through highs and lows. My grandfather and I were never really close and I think he wants to be involved with the wedding to make up for lost time. I thought about having them both give me away, but the more thought I give it, the more I feel that the honor should belong to my mother and her alone. Not sure how to handle this one any suggestions? Should I just suck it up?

Re: walking me down the aisle

  • TiffannieFTiffannieF member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited January 2012
    Yes you'll just have to swallow it and just let him know that you are honored that he would be willing to do such a wonderful thing but your mom has also insisted and you don't want to hurt her feelings.  Maybe add something like but you would like to make sure that he shares a dance with you (if you guys are having dancing).
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:c0fafe41-0713-44c0-ac50-4b59ab974e25Post:7ffee1e1-5326-4f87-b325-7ce352d40e61">Re: walking me down the aisle</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yes you'll just have to swallow it and just let him know that you are honored that he would be willing to do such a wonderful thing but your mom has also insisted and you don't want to hurt her feelings.  Maybe add something like but you would like to make sure that he shares a dance with you (if you guys are having dancing).
    Posted by TiffannieF[/QUOTE]

    This exactly. You only get to do this once, so do what feels right for you.
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  • What was your response when he asked you shortly after you got engaged?  If you already committed to it, then I think it would be a huge let down to him if you changed your mind now.

    That being said, I think you should walk with whoever you want down the aisle, and it sounds like that is your mom.
  • If you want your mom to walk you down the aisle then I think that's what you should do. I agree that maybe asking him to do a dance with you would be nice or if you're having a religious ceremony maybe he could say a prayer/blessing?
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  • Thank you everyone for your kind suggestions. He'll be involved in some way whether its a dance a reading or walking with my mom. I appreciate the advice.
  • My grandpa did the blessing before dinner, if you're looking for another way to involve him.  He was thrilled to do it.

    I didn't want him doing a reading (personally) because I wanted him to just relax and feel important in the front row during the ceremony and not worry about getting up to speak.
  • Maybe have him walk you down to your mother, who would be in her seat in the front row.  He could them take his seat & your mother could walk with you to the front & give her blessing.
  • Is he your mom or dad's father?

    My husband and I are renewing our vows after 10 years of marriage. My dad wanted to walk me down the aisle again but I have other plans. I didn't want to tell him at first but he knew something was up so he asked.  I told him I wanted my sons to walk me down the aisle. He said if it was anyone else he would have been mad but since it was my sons he understood.  Remember this is YOUR wedding (and your FI lol) so if you just want your mom to walk you down the aisle then politely tell your grandfather what you want and why. Hopefully he'll understand. Maybe you can let him be apart of the wedding in a nother way.

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