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UGGG: long, TMI, and me just being a brat

I am just ready to be healthy again. As some of you know I broke my foot on june 29th  and I have been in a boot ever since. I cant drive, I cant stand for long periods of time and I am sick of baths. I would love to take a shower again. My Bf and his sister are getting sick of taking me everywhere I have to go. Bf and I have been fighting so much. I have been trying to help as much as I can but this place is still a mess! They messier it gets the more stressed he gets.

About a month after I broke my foot I ended up in the hospital with a blood clot in my lung. I was almost done with my shift at work when i started having extreme pain that I though was just really bad heart burn. I thought nothing of it since I have always had acid reflux and forgot to take my pill that morn. Someone at work saw me in the bathroom at work and knew it was something other than heartburn. She called the ambulance without even asking me if she should. I was just gonna go home and drink some milk. I was in the hospital for two days on a heart monitor until they were satisfied the clot was dissolved and should not get thrown into my heart or brain. Due to this I am on blood thinners and can no longer take the BC pill I have been on since I was 18.

Now a week later I had a migraine and called my primary doc to see if I could take anything. since i was on blood thinners she sent me to the hospital without any explanation. BF and I went in and were not very happy at all, but knew it had to be for the better. Well they did a brain scan and found something. I had to wait till after an M.R.I. and 16 hours of not having anything to eat or drink before they told me what it was. I have a Pituitary Macroadenoma. It is a 2cm tumor on the pituitary gland. It is non-cancerous.

This tumor can be responsible for the fact that I am overweight and have the head aches. They are very confident my headaches will go away once this gets taken care of. I am yet to see the doc to get the full results since he is in high demand. There is a chance I may have a harder time having kids or may not have them at all due to the fact the tumor has probably been growing for years. It is kinda weird that I knew the entire time I had a tumor, I dont know how i knew, I just had this weird feeling. My BF took it harder than I did when they told us in the hospital.

Now due to all this I cant take any pain killers, Just good ol heat and prayer. I am sure when or if I will have my period. In fact mine showed up two days ago after seven months of being gone. It is back with a vingence and I determined to keep me on the heating pad. I am sick of the mother f-ing cramps and have the flow from hell! If this keeps up I will have to go to the ER.  I cant be on any birth control until after the blood thinner regiment is done. Then after that I have to figure out were to find the money to do the copper IUD. To top it all off I have greasy hair and skin! I am still trying to balance things out.

BF has yet to even try to celebrate for my birthday which was in July. He keeps saying he wants to wait till I can walk again. He keeps blaming everything on my boot. It has also taken a toll on the sex life. 2010 needs to be over so I can start a new year and start it without all this sucky stuff.

I am done. Posting and running since i gotta get ready for a wedding.

Re: UGGG: long, TMI, and me just being a brat

  • edited December 2011
    I'm so sorry you're going through all of this.  I've been lucky enough never to really get cramps, but completely understand the heavy flow and I totally sympathize with you.

    I wish there was some kind of advice I can offer you to help you with your BF, but men can be so irritating sometimes and there's really no advice I can give you.  What I can give you is a virtual hug and offer up my thoughts and prayers as well.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm sorry you are going through all of this. Just know that those who love and support you will continue to do so. I have also had a tumor (but I was a baby and I don't even remember it) that was benign. I have also broken my foot and been in a boot. In fact, I am in one right now for something unrelated. So I can understand your frustration, definitely.

    I hope everything works itself our quickly *hugs*
  • edited December 2011
    Aww honey, I'm so sorry. It sucks that everything is happening at one but try to stay strong and keep a positive attitude.

    My mom sometimes has to wear one of those boots because of a bone in her heal. We were in Kohl's one day and this little boy (4-5yo) runs up to her and goes "I like your.....!" and looked down at her leg. The boot is pretty popular with little kids ;)
  • edited December 2011
    I'm so sorry that you are going through this.  

    I hope this doesn't qualify as TMI, but since you brought it up...
    The diaphragm and sponge are good non-hormonal methods of birth control.  The sponge is available at drugstores.  You have to go to your DR for the diaphragm.  GL

  • edited December 2011
    Molly, I know that now might not be the best time with everything else going on in your life, but your boyfriend sounds like he sucks.  The more you post about him, the more red flags I see.  The majority of the time, your posts allude to his crappiness.  Sometimes, I do not think you are even aware of this.  You deserve better than what he gives you.   

    I wish you all the best with your health.  You have definitely had more than your share of suckiness when it comes to that lately. 
  • fontassidyfontassidy member
    edited December 2011
    :/ Sorry that all of those things have piled up on you all at once! Poor need some really good lovin' right now.

     I don't know anything about you & your BF's relationship, but it seems like right now should be a time when he is putting in the most effort possible to make things easier on you & ensure you're feeling taken care of...not really a good time to be grumpy and aggravated with a messy house (?...I'm assuming that's the mess you mean). Your health and well-being is much more important than having things neat & tidy right now. Hope you can find some strength through all that crap & that your BF steps up to the plate and takes care of you! You deserve it.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker White Knot
  • edited December 2011

    First of all, I'm sorry all this has happened to you in such a short period of time. I'm a big believer in the concept that God (or whatever/whomever you believe in) gives the greatest hardships to the strongest characters, and if that's the case, then you must be one tough cookie. :)

    That being said...

    I'm sorry, but your BF sounds like he's being pretty unreasonable. At this point in time, he should be doing everything he can to make your life easier - whether that be helping out around the house with housekeeping or cooking, or taking you out to a dinner or movie so you can feel like you celebrated your birthday. It's that whole "in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times" concept.

    I understand that helping take care of a partner who's having health issues can be incredibly difficult and can be frustrating. My FI has been doing it now since nearly the start of our relationship, and there have been times where the frustration wins out. However, he shouldn't be taking out frustrations on a regular basis on you. All that does is make it worse. Yes, he should be able to have civil conversations with you about how he's feeling and where his frustrations lie - if he feels the need to vent, then he needs to find a friend or family member or professional to talk to. Taking it out on you is a f*ing shady move.

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  • PaigeMcCPaigeMcC member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I'm really sorry you're going through this.  I would ditto Oceana, et. al,  on this one.  It's difficult when your loved one is sick but taking it out on you is not the way to go.  I hope everything works out, hun.

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  • meamollymeamolly member
    Seventh Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    thank you all for the kind words. I am truly believing that things can only look up from here and am the first to admit I am sometimes too forgiving. I did kinda blow up on him the other day when he was going to a baseball game with friends and then told his sister she could stay the night. I just wanted to be alone that night or else I would have made the effort to go to the game. Plus he did need some time that was not all about me. She ended up not staying anyway. But it was a gateway to a conversation I am yet to complete with him. i know most of what I have posted about him is the bad parts, and I do need to focus on the good parts more. sadly the bad parts are really pushing their heads out right now.

    It has been a problem from day one that he does not show affection very well. I thought it was the meds he was on for depression. Then he was off them for a month and is now on a new one. Nothing is different. We went to a wedding of two of his friends over the weekend. He was willing to slow dance, sadly one would have thought we were in high school the way he held me. I pulled him closer but he never moved his hands off my hips. watching the other couples as they held each other close, heads on shoulders or pressed against chests was just so sad to me that I didnt have that from him.

    He has assured me several times that he finds me attractive and wants to be with me. It does all come down to if I could find myself being ok with this the rest of my life. It has not been easy with him changing meds at my request, he has been down right mean several times. I dont know. Well yes I do know some. I know it comes down to me having to look inside myself and ask the all important questions.

    Thank you all for your support.
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