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Great weekends go so fast!

And are usually exhausting to boot! To top it off, the time changed last night; we 'sprang forward' and lost an hour of sleep.

Friday was a night out with some friends to the comedy club. Lots of fun! Saturday was BF's brother's birthday and drinks at the local pub. Also lots of fun! We haven't seen his brother and SIL since New Years. 

How was your weekend? Any plans for the coming week?

This week ahead is looking mighty busy for me :/ And somewhere in there I need to start thinking about getting ready to go away. I need to get a few new clothes/sandals and a new swimsuit. Any swimsuit recs? I'm really tiny, top and bottom, and lacking in the curves department. I'm looking for something fun and sexy that might make me look somewhat more feminine without breaking the bank. Preferably 2 piece.
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Life is good today.

Re: Great weekends go so fast!

  • marleylikeairmarleylikeair member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I'm boring. I did a crapload of laundry this weekend. Still working on it, actually. Been cleaning/straightening up like a fiend! has been motivating me--it's great. Thanks to the Knotties who suggested it!

    We had BF's band practice here, as usual, on Friday night, so that was fun. Sometimes I sing a little, but usually I dress up a bit, play host, and get a little tipsy. Good times. We're going to grab a frozen custard later. Hot date, wahoo!

    Beads, do you have a TJ Maxx or Marshall's around you? (I forget where you live--sorry!) That's where I've found all my favorite clothes, and they do have lots of cute bathing suits. Or a Filene's Basement? I also found my favorite two bikinis at Kmart, actually, a couple years ago. I know Victoria's Secret has nice swimwear, too.
  • Beads921Beads921 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I always make sure my cleaning is done before the weekend. I just hate spending the weekend doing it. But good on you for getting motivated! A freshly cleaned home always rocks.

    I'm in Canada, so no TJ Maxx (although I've been there and it's amazing - Winners is kinda the Canadian equivalent and they're not carrying swimwear yet), or KMart. Canada has a lame selection of everything compared to the US - and we only have 3 Victoria's Secret stores (or so) in the entire country. 
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    Life is good today.
  • heyimbrenheyimbren member
    edited December 2011
    Some Winners carry swimsuits, Beads.

    Does Boathouse have any nice ones? Or what about those random swimsuit speciality shops that most  malls around here have?
  • Beads921Beads921 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    None of the Winners I've been to around here recently have any in yet. They all do in the summer, so I'm hopeful for the next couple of weeks. I seriously love Winners. I buy a lot of my clothes there. 

    Boathouse is a good idea. Usually their Melissa line is reasonably priced and cute. I have never shopped at one of the swimwear stores in the mall - ie Kazwear or Bikini Village. Are they all the hideously expensive brand names, or do they have some that won't cost me $100? I have a hard time coughing up significant cash for something made of so little material.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    Life is good today.
  • MLekathLEENMLekathLEEN member
    edited December 2011
    Do you have target? They always have super cute swimsuits!
  • edited December 2011
    My vote is for Victoria's Secret! I love their bathing suits.

    Target has cute ones too.

    I spent the weekend visiting FI. We played laser tag yesterday. It was totally fun! Although we felt a little old when we got there and realized that at 5pm on a Saturday afternoon is primetime for 7 year old birthday parties. We played with a bunch of little kids. But, we still had a blast. After laser tag we went to Olive Garden. It was our Valentine's day makeup date (since we spent V-day in the hospital). Then FI studied the rest of the evening and I read articles for my dissertation. We're wild and crazy like that :)

    I plan on cleaning/packing my house for the rest of the week. One of my 3 universities is on spring break, so I have extra time. I hate packing and selling my house. :(
    ~~December 3, 2011~~
  • Beads921Beads921 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    No Target yet EKath, but I have heard they have a great selection. We should be getting them soon; they bought out Zellers.

    Haha I avoided homework all weekend too Raven, although you had a legitimate excuse. I've been spending my evening doing it. I'm sure the wedding was well worth getting a bit behind for. I haven't looked online. I don't usually buy online because of the potential hassle with getting things to fit. I like to browse online and then if I see something that catches my eye I'll go to the store to try it on.
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    Life is good today.
  • ravenrayravenray member
    5000 Comments 25 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I went to a wedding, that took up most of the weekend due to the fact that was my BF's brother who got married to RD on Friday and wedding on Saturday.  I avoided homework but am now paying for it today but spending the whole day engrossed in my books.  I have no plans for the next weekend.  Most likely more homework again.  That is pretty much my life.... I know I am sad and boring. 
    Beads did you look online?  A lot of online stuff lets you buy stuff then ship it back if it doesn't fit and I think no extra charge? 
    "Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained"-C.S. Lewis

    Married! May 27th, 2012

  • edited December 2011
    Yeah, I'd think about possibly looking at Target suits online. I usually just buy my swimsuits there. I'm going to Florida next week, and I need to get a few more clothes (short sleeve ones) and a new suit. Plus, I need some new sandals.  Just cheap ones because I'm poor right now.

    This weekend I seriuosly did homework all weekend mostly. BORING. I did hang out with my friend Friday and Saturday, but other than that, I just did homework. I'm lame, I know.
    When you love someone, you can tell. When you're in love with someone, everyone else can tell.
  • peekaboo2011peekaboo2011 member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 250 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I love VS swimsuits too.  And then I actually go to Target or Old Navy or something along those lines, as I'm too poor for VS.  

    We went to Shamrockfest yesterday.  It was a big wastefest in RFK stadium in DC, and I almost got in a fight with some douchebag who thought that I was on Facebook while I was texting my BFF during DJ Pauly D.  He started screaming, I screamed back, and then his girlfriend (who was a goblin) started screaming at me.  Had our friends not put themselves between me and this douche, I would have punched him.  He severely needed a toothbrush, as his front teeth were yellow and black.  GROSS.

    Since we just finished Spring Break, and I did absolutely not a darn thing in the way of homework or research, I'm paying for it tonight.  Blah.
    I french with my man
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  • edited December 2011
    I have gotten several swimsuits at Target. Cute and cheap!

    This weekend was so fun and way too fast. FI and I went to a miracle fruit party at his brother's house. Crazy! Also ate wayyyy too much food this weekend.

    Next weekend we're going home to do tastings at several caterers and do a second look at some of the reception venues we visited. Getting close to making a decision!
    Married! :) 5/19/12 The Domesticals

  • jemmini6jemmini6 member
    5000 Comments 25 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I was so confused this morning when my phone was an hour ahead of my alarm clock.  I never learned the whole Daylight Savings Time thing because AZ doesn't do it.  I had to reset my phone to get it to go back to the real time.

    FI and I went to the local Renaissance Festival yesterday.  It's pretty fun, some of the shows are cool to see (we like the birds of prey one).  Then we did our engagment pictures today!  Our photographer is awesome to work with and just by looking at a few of the shots on the camera screen, they are going to be awesome when she gets all the post processing done on them.  Can't wait :)
  • edited December 2011

    Beads, when you get a Target, make sure you pronounce it Tar-jay. It sounds less trash de blanc ;-)

    My weekend was full of cleaning. I'm living with my mom this week - subbing in for her at her job while she recovers from cosmetic/medical surgery. So, I had to make sure the apartment was FI-proof. It's like preparing to leave a puppy: make sure he has food and water, keep all the breakables out of reach and put out all his toys so he knows where they are, maybe get him a special treat so he won't miss me too much (in this case, it was sourdough bread).

    Otherwise, I did a lot of thinking this weekend and had an epiphany that what I got my degree in isn't necessarily what I want to do with my life. I mean, I'm glad I went to college and got my BA, but it hit me like a truck. I really, really and truly, want to be a dog groomer. Isn't that weird? I'm already looking into taking classes.

    Anyone else had an experience like that, where all of a sudden you realize what will make you happy?

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    image 98 are coming to party!

    image 29 have other plans

    image 43 need to respond!

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