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So pissed I could cry

The final component of my nursing curriculum involves attending conferences, getting various certifications, and going to speaker events. There is a 2-day training conference at the hospital I want to work at next month that would get me a ton of exposure, connections, and certifications to help with getting a job. Our professor had us wait to apply so we could go in as a group and try to get a discount. She has been taking her sweet time for the past 3 or 4 weeks..and just e-mailed us today that the conference is unexpectedly full.

I was going to get over half of my hours that I need from this, and I was also anticipating that it would be a huge highlight on my resume. Now it is all ruined, and I seriously don't know what do to. I'm so frustrated and I want to flip shiit on my professor..but I obviously can't do that. Any suggestions?

Re: So pissed I could cry

  • A thought, did you try applying as a single person instead of with the group? Perhaps just maybe there wasn't room for the group but have a couple slots left... Perhaps a wait list incase some people can't make it? I'm sorry your prof did that. It's a huge piss off.
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  • There is a waiting list..but even the waiting list is really long. I'm going to cross my fingers, but it seems unlikely.

    Supposedly her contact e-mailed her and a bunch of other people saying they were completely full and have a waiting list that is also pretty long.
  • Ugh, jaycee, I'm sorry. It sucks when the actions of other people have a direct effect on you... I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that a spot opens up.
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  • Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that your professor is a procrastinator and that it is all filled up now.  I would definitely contact the hospital first thing Monday yourself and try to get on the wait list asap and not wait for anything else that this teacher may or may not take care of.   

    In the meantime, take a deep breath, make yourself a drink and start looking into the other options that woudl be okay as a second choice.  ::HUGS::
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • That blows.  I'm sorry.

    Write back to your teacher and tell her what you were hoping to get out the conference.  Then, ask if she has any advice for you, since you can't go.  Maybe she feels guilty (if not, she should) and will know of some way to help you out.
  • Oh no that is horrible! *hugs*  Can you call the conference manger?  Tell them your situtation and see if they can do anything? 
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