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Well I officially live with my parents again.

I've been moving all day, but it doesn't really look like I've missed anything.  Slow day!

Hopefully I'll adjust well enough.  And save money!

Re: Well I officially live with my parents again.

  • edited December 2011
    Best of luck with that!  I'm sure you'll be fine, though, and it's a great way to save some money!  I don't live with my parents but I go to school in the town they live in (an hour away from where I live), and I take full advantage of the free-food opportunities that presents :-)  I'd guess we save about $200/mo by letting them send things home with me!
  • loopy82loopy82 member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Good luck living back with the parents.
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  • edited December 2011
    Good luck! I moved back in with my parents after undergrad for 2 years. It wasn't ideal but I did save tons of money by not paying rent and utilities and actually put a good amount into savings.
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