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*stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today

Sometimes I feel like just stomping my feet like a 3 year old and throwing a temper tantrum. *sigh* I'm trying to make today a good day since it isn't starting out so nice...soooo here's today's random questions.

1) Favorite day of the work week
2) Favorite song lyric and why
3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?
4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?
5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?
7) New Movie Recommendation
8) Give me a little known fact about you
9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do
10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother

Okay...was that random enough?? :-P
Bit of a P&R... I should get some work done today lol

Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today

  • IrishDreamerIrishDreamer member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    1) Favorite day of the work week
    Usually Thursdays - it's close to Friday, and I occassionaly sub for BossMan at BNI - which is always a good time

    2) Favorite song lyric and why
    What do I do with all I need to say
    So much I wanna tell you everyday
    Oh it breaks my heart,
    I cry these tears in the dark
    I write these letters to you,
    But they get lost in the blue,
    'Cause there's no address in the stars.

    I love these lyrics because they ring true. I have lost several people very close to me and so many times, I would go to call or write them - and you just can' while it is sad, at the same time it is comforting.

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?
    Usually my bra

    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?
    I believe I put on my right shoe first

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?
    Jersey Shore...those a-holes just annoy the Ef out of me

    7) New Movie Recommendation
    Ummmmmmmmm....... I don't have a new movie it's been forever since i've gone...but if you haven't seen Kung Fu Panda 2, you should

    8) Give me a little known fact about you
    I was born at 29 weeks and weighed 3lbs 2oz.

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do
    Stop at Bells Brewery and St. Julians. Bells is a beer brewery and St. Julians is a wine maker.

    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother
    Oh goodness, anything with those too. I spent most of my childhood with them, building stuff and working on cars with my grandfather, and cooking and playing games and doing crafts with my grandma. They both have taught me so much, and I thank God for them every day. <3
  • thejucheideathejucheidea member
    Tenth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    1) Favorite day of the work week Friday. All of the other days are too busy.

    2) Favorite song lyric and why 'And when we die, oh, will we be that disappointed or sad? If Heaven doesn't exist, what will we have missed? This life is the best we've ever had.' - Tonight We Fly by The Divine Comedy. I don't really have a specific reason why I like it -- it's just a good thought and a good way to approach life.

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on? Panties.

    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first? Whichever I find first, haha.

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on? The left.

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show? I can't handle all of those Real Housewives shows. They're horrendous.

    7) New Movie Recommendation It's not new, but everyone should watch The Fall. It's an absolutely beautiful movie.

    8) Give me a little known fact about you I'm creeped out by public displays of affection. We're both very low key about our relationship so people going on and on about their relationship in mixed company is odd to me. It makes me very uncomfortable when people are grabbing on each other or making out in public. A kiss is fine, but grab-assing is just weird.

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do There are things to do in Nashville? I guess people enjoy seeing the Parthenon and visiting Antebellum houses.

    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother My grandparent relationships have always been marred with drama. I like being close to my paternal grandmother who unfortunately lives in California; I guess one of my best memories with her was when we all went on vacation together to Alaska before she was unable to travel. Her memory was still good and she was physically healthy at that point.

  • edited December 2011
    1) Favorite day of the work week... Thursday, because I know the next day is Friday.

    2) Favorite song lyric and why... I like the entire song Watershed by the Indigo Girls

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?... My underwear and pants

    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?... Right

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?... Right

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?... I don't like Biggest Loser. I feel bad for the people.

    7) New Movie Recommendation... Haven't had time to watch movies

    8) Give me a little known fact about you... I'm a state, regional, and national baton champion

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do... Hmmm... Dairy Queen? Lol, there isn't much in my hometown

    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother... Laying on the couch with my grandpa. He always told me that intelligence skipped a generation. That was why he was so smart and I was so smart, but that we shouldn't tell my mom because it would make her feel bad :) And my grandma and I would make coffee in the morning (which I hated), but we would sit and dunk cookies in the coffee and eat the cookies. I know a kid shouldn't have coffee, but I enjoyed it.
    ~~December 3, 2011~~
  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    1) Favorite day of the work week


    2) Favorite song lyric and why

    I don't really have one.  I like music but I'm not a music buff.  My iTunes is pretty pathetic. 

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?


    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?

    Whichever one is closest to me

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?

    Furthest side from the door, if you're laying in the bed I'm on the right

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?

    Keeping Up With The Kardashian's.  I just could never get on board.

    7) New Movie Recommendation

    Contagion was fantastic!!

    8) Give me a little known fact about you

    I have a huge scar down my right boob that I got when I was 8.  My kitten, Chip (brother to Dale, of course), did it by accident when we first got him

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do 

    Go to Liberty State Park for the views of NYC, visit Ellis Island & the Statue of Liberty (for the record, she stands in NJ, not NYC), and eat at the Brownstone Diner which was on DDD because of their ridiculously delicious list of pancakes (over 20 -- including my favorite: meat pancakes which has bacon bits cooked inside!) 

    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother

    My Poppop won a little stuffed animal tiger on the boardwalk in Wildwood when I was like 4 years old.  Little Tiger stayed at my grandparents house because it wasn't fair for 1 of the grandkids to get to take him home (even though I was the oldest!).  When I graduated from college my Poppop gave me a HUGE wrapped gift.  I opened it to find the Little Tiger inside!!  It was so sweet & so special :) 

  • IrishDreamerIrishDreamer member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:56f99173-9371-462c-9e4b-1491eab0bf82Post:98e719f5-fab1-40ff-8fa6-e26d6496c2f9">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]1) Favorite day of the work week FRIDAY! DUH! 2) Favorite song lyric and why I don't really have one.  I like music but I'm not a music buff.  My iTunes is pretty pathetic.   3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on? Underoos 4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first? Whichever one is closest to me 5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on? Furthest side from the door, if you're laying in the bed I'm on the right 6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show? Keeping Up With The Kardashian's.  I just could never get on board . 7) New Movie Recommendation Contagion was fantastic!! 8) Give me a little known fact about you I have a huge scar down my right boob that I got when I was 8.  My kitten, Chip (brother to Dale, of course), did it by accident when we first got him .  9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do  Go to Liberty State Park for the views of NYC, visit Ellis Island & the Statue of Liberty (for the record, she stands in NJ, not NYC), and eat at the Brownstone Diner which was on DDD because of their ridiculously delicious list of pancakes (over 20 -- including my favorite: meat pancakes which has bacon bits cooked inside!)   10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother <strong>My Poppop won a little stuffed animal tiger on the boardwalk in Wildwood when I was like 4 years old.  Little Tiger stayed at my grandparents house because it wasn't fair for 1 of the grandkids to get to take him home (even though I was the oldest!).  When I graduated from college my Poppop  gave me a HUGE wrapped gift.  I opened it to find the Little Tiger inside!!  It  was so sweet & so special  :)  
    </strong>Posted by rdr716[/QUOTE]

    This is soooo sweet! I literally AWWWWWWed out loud! :)
  • IrishDreamerIrishDreamer member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:56f99173-9371-462c-9e4b-1491eab0bf82Post:dd5a602e-c6ee-4bd1-b1d0-b0c35fccfb55">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]1) Favorite day of the work week Thursday!  You know that Friday is soooo close. 2) Favorite song lyric and why "And even though the moment passed me by, I still can't turn away."  Goo Goo Dolls.  I've just always loved this. 3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on? Underoos 4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first? Just depends, probably the right 5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on? In our bed, the left hand side, but I always sleep closest to the door in other beds, because I am an old lady who pees in the middle of the night. 6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show? Toddlers and Tiaras.  Yuck. 7) New Movie Recommendation The Help. It was very well done. 8) Give me a little known fact about you I'm an open book, so this is tricky.  How about, I wear contacts and I have glasses, and without them I'm legally blind.   9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do It's been mentioned before, but try Jeni's Ice Creams! 10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother <strong>My parents are divorced, and my dad moved away when I was 9.  His parents woudl always pick me up Christmas morning around 10am, and I'd go to there house and have my own private Christmas with them. No other cousins or anyone else, just me and the two of them.  It was a special treat for me, and we did it until my grandfather passed away in 2008.
    </strong>Posted by polo1425[/QUOTE]

    That's friggin sweet. :)
  • edited December 2011
    1) Favorite day of the work week
    FRIDAY! I only have to work 4 hours, and since I get in at 6AM, i'm off at 10AM. Sweet deal!

    2) Favorite song lyric and why
    I love the lyrics in Jewel's U & ME=LOVE. Here are a couple I like:
    "Email is cool, but romance lives in a letter"
    "Walk down the street to a psychedelic beat, I'm a real girl in an unreal world"
    "If you let me be me, I'll be better than your best dream"

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?
    Usually my bra

    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
    Right, or in the middle if BF is not there

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?
    Jersey Shore? I actually don't have cable, so i've never seen this show. Doesn't seem like a winner to me though.

    7) New Movie Recommendation
    Just watched "Something Borrowed" from redbox last night and I thought it was cute if you're in the mood for a chick flick.

    8) Give me a little known fact about you
    I hate socks. I will do anything to avoid wearing them, even in the winter. They make me way too hot and cranky. Boo socks!

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do
    Brewery tour! There are so many breweries out here...and they are so fun to visit if you like beer. Some of them even let you see how their beer is made. If you're not into beer though, you should definitely be out here when the aspen tree leaves turn. So beautiful!


    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother
    Grandfather: painting an old barn of his with him and my brother. I was probably only about 10 yrs. old and we had a blast. I have a great pic too, but it's not on this computer.
    Grandmother: The entire summer after I graduated from college. She let my girlfriend and I live with them until we found jobs and I feel like that's when I really got to know what an amazing woman she is!
  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]1) Favorite day of the work week <strong>FRIDAY! I only have to work 4 hours, and since I get in at 6AM, i'm off at 10AM. Sweet deal!</strong> 2) Favorite song lyric and why I love the lyrics in Jewel's U & ME=LOVE. Here are a couple I like: "Email is cool, but romance lives in a letter" "Walk down the street to a psychedelic beat, I'm a real girl in an unreal world" "If you let me be me, I'll be better than your best dream" 3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on? Usually my bra 4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first? Right 5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on? Right, or in the middle if BF is not there 6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show? Jersey Shore? I actually don't have cable, so i've never seen this show. Doesn't seem like a winner to me though. 7) New Movie Recommendation Just watched "Something Borrowed" from redbox last night and I thought it was cute if you're in the mood for a chick flick. 8) Give me a little known fact about you I hate socks. I will do anything to avoid wearing them, even in the winter. They make me way too hot and cranky. Boo socks! 9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do Brewery tour! There are so many breweries out here...and they are so fun to visit if you like beer. Some of them even let you see how their beer is made. If you're not into beer though, you should definitely be out here when the aspen tree leaves turn. So beautiful!   10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother Grandfather: painting an old barn of his with him and my brother. I was probably only about 10 yrs. old and we had a blast. I have a great pic too, but it's not on this computer. Grandmother: The entire summer after I graduated from college. She let my girlfriend and I live with them until we found jobs and I feel like that's when I really got to know what an amazing woman she is!
    Posted by allusive007[/QUOTE]

    <div>I am so incredibly jealous of this! </div>

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:56f99173-9371-462c-9e4b-1491eab0bf82Post:4bfce74d-dc63-4b04-b600-7bdc9bd320de">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today : I am so incredibly jealous of this! 
    Posted by rdr716[/QUOTE]

    yeah - but I do have to work 9 hour days Mon-Thurs...
  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today : yeah - but I do have to work 9 hour days Mon-Thurs...
    Posted by allusive007[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>I work 9.5-10.5 hour days depending on the day of the week Mon-Fri.  I come in at 6:30am every day & alternate leaving at 4 & 5.  Boo work </div>

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:56f99173-9371-462c-9e4b-1491eab0bf82Post:bdc3b598-35d5-40ef-a259-f25f8292cd1a">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today : :( I work 9.5-10.5 hour days depending on the day of the week Mon-Fri.  I come in at 6:30am every day & alternate leaving at 4 & 5.  Boo work 
    Posted by rdr716[/QUOTE]

    Those are such looooong sorry! I am pretty lucky that I'm still hourly (which is redic). With the next promotion though, I'm sure i'll be salaried and won't be able to be so lucky...
  • Ollie08Ollie08 member
    500 Love Its 1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    1) Favorite day of the work week
    Friday! Is there any other day that could be a favorite? Usually it's one of the busiest trying to clean up for the weekend, but it's casual day where I get to wear jeans and flip flops, and I always do my "Friday Dance" with the receptionist when I come in. :-)

    2) Favorite song lyric and why
    I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
    Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens
    Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance
    And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
    I hope you dance

    I absolutely love inspirational songs like this and long before I had kids I would think about writing the song lyrics on their walls or in picture frames.

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?
    Usually it's my panties for the day

    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?
    I've never really thought about it. I think it's whichever foot finds the shoe first. If I'm sitting down with my legs crossed then it's my left. If I step in to the shoes it's usually my right.

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
    Standing at the foot of the bed, I sleep on the right. It drives FI nuts because it's closer to the door and he's protective and would rather sleep there in case anyone broke in or whatever, but that's just tough cookies because I always sleep there.

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?
    Pretty much all of them. I hate reality TV with the exception of some wedding shows. But things like celebrity-this or that, Jersey Shore, Real Housewives, Kardashians etc.

    7) New Movie Recommendation
    Nothing good out that I've seen recently.

    8) Give me a little known fact about you
    I have never broken a bone.

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do
    Well apart from the obvious of the theme parks (particularly Islands of Adventure- that's my fav), there's always Howl at the Moon. I absolutely love going there for a fun night out.

    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother
    My favorite memory with my grandfather was Christmas in 2004. My little sister received a karaoke machine as a gift and she was driving everyone crazy with her singing. We were all sitting in the living room and there were these little red beanbags that my brother tossed on the blades of the fan. My sister was in the middle of singing a song and I decided to flip on the fan because it was hot. The beanbags flew off of the fan blades and my grandfather (without missing a beat) said "It's like tomatoes from heaven!" lol we still make jokes about it to this day.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • thejucheideathejucheidea member
    Tenth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:56f99173-9371-462c-9e4b-1491eab0bf82Post:8c7b604f-6117-46c0-a809-1d13e12beb69">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today : yeah - but I do have to work 9 hour days Mon-Thurs...
    Posted by allusive007[/QUOTE]

    Ugh, yeah, I understand that. We work ten to eleven hour days four days a week usually but sometimes five days a week because of staffing issues.

  • edited December 2011
    1) Favorite day of the work week
    I like the shows on TV on Tuesdays so I look forward to it all day : P

    2) Favorite song lyric and why
    Hmmm... I haven't though about this in  while. I'll come back later and fix it.

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?
    Clean undies :)

    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
    Looking at it, Right.

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?
    Dance mom's, Toddlers in Tiaras, Outrageous Kids Parties... Anything with spoiled bratty kids.

    7) New Movie Recommendation
    Hm... I haven't seen anything since The Help, but that was great!

    8) Give me a little known fact about you
    I have flat feet? lol I'm a pretty open book so there isn't much people don't know about me (that I care to share).

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do
    City Museum... Its like an amusement park/ playplace for grown ups at night and their is a bar :)

    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother
    Every evening before my grandmother got sick we would walk to 2 blocks to their house and have ice cream (with a little milk on it) and sour cream and onion potato chips at 8pm sharp :) With my grandpa, we once built a bird house together, and it is still hanging in my parents' house. It was so cool learning things like that from him.
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  • Elle1036Elle1036 member
    5000 Comments Fifth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    1) Favorite day of the work week
    Friday, of course.  I enjoy Thursdays, too, though.

    2) Favorite song lyric and why
    Oh, so many.  Any lyric in any song by Bob Dylan or Simon and Garfunkel.  Or, silly answer, but "excuse me now because the chorus is coming up again" in I Feel Fine by the Riddlin' Kids.

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?
    Whatever is closest

    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?
    Right, right?  I think so...

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
    The left, usually.

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?
    Jersey Shore, I guess.  I don't watch it, though, so that's probably unfair for me to say.

    7) New Movie Recommendation
    I got nothin'.  I haven't been out to a movie in a couple months.

    8) Give me a little known fact about you
    I have a black belt in Judo.

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do
    A burger from Baker's Bros.  Yum.

    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother
    My grandfather was a really heavy sleeper, so my cousin and I used to cover him in makeup and put his hair into tons of little pigtails while he napped.  I realize now that he probably did wake up somewhere in the process, but he would pretend to stay asleep while we giggled and crawled all over him giving him his makeover.
  • Blue & WhiteBlue & White member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    rdr - I LOVE the Brownstone Diner!  Except their pancakes are like 5 times as big as my head and I can only ever eat one (I'm a wimp, haha) 

    Ok, onto my questions!!

    1) Favorite day of the work week:  Thursday.  I only work from 8 AM - 9:15 AM.  And then maybe 3:30 - 6:30 PM.  I obviously have a weird work schedule (and I'd say Friday but I'm always exhausted by Friday, so it's not my favorite WORK day.  It's my favorite PLAY day)
    2) Favorite song lyric and why:
    I could probably answer a million song lyrics to this one, but my favorite metaphor of the day (in a song) is the following:
    Here I am again
    Talking to myself
    Sitting at a red light,
    Both hands on the wheel
    How am I supposed to feel?
    So much runnin' through my mind

    First you wanna be free,
    Now you say you need me,
    Givin' mixed signals and signs
    It's so hard to let you in
    Thinkin' you might slam the brakes again

    Put the pedal down
    Headin out of town
    Gotta make a getaway
    The traffic in my brain is
    Drivin' me insane
    This is more than I can take
    You tell me that you love me first,
    Then throw your heart into reverse
    I gotta getaway.
    (Hilary Duff, "Getaway")

    It's such a great driving tune (except it instills road rage in me, haha)  Oh and yea, it's a breakup song.  I like those, a lot.  BF thinks I'm weird.

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?  Pants, or a bra.  depends on the day.

    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?  Left, usually

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on? 
    The right side if you're at the bottom of the bed looking at it (it's the left if you're laying on the bed looking at the ceiling, haha)

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?  Roseanne's Nuts or Ice Loves Coco, but I've never seen either of them.  They just look horrifying, and I'm REALLY sad that my SVU cop is crazy in real life

    7) New Movie Recommendation:
      Um, we don't really see movies.  I'd like to see Contagion.  I'd also like to see a scary movie because it's almost Halloween (ok, it's really just almost FALL.)  I have no idea.  I suck at this movie one :)

    8) Give me a little known fact about you:  I had a pink cast when I was 2 and broke the growth plate in my ankle.  Oh yea, and my mom let me walk around on it for about a day and a half before my gma made her take me to the hospital (Disclaimer: my mom was and is an awesome mother - I just like laughing at this parenting fail.)

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do:
    Busch Gardens Williamsburg?  Colonial Williamsburg, the Virginia Living Museum, LOTS of history museums, etc.  Oh, and you should eat a crab if it's crab season, especially if you've never had one before.

    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother:  I used to go over to my grandparents house and play all these songs for my grandfather (on clarinet, flute, baritone, keyboard...I was a one-woman band, basically).  Then we'd watch the symphony on tv.  Or Home Improvement or SVU.  Ya know, whatever awesome was on. 

    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • edited December 2011
    1) Favorite day of the work week
    Friday - not just because it's Friday, but because there are always bagels on Friday here.

    2) Favorite song lyric and why
    "Things have changed for me and that's okay" - it's from Panic at the Disco's "That Green Gentleman". It's tattooed on my back. It reminds me that change is good and no matter what happens, I'm going to come out of it okay.

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?
    Underwear, bra and socks. Then pants. Then top.

    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?
    Whichever shoe is closer to me.

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
    The left.

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?
    Jersey Shore or Toddlers & Tiaras.

    7) New Movie Recommendation
    "The Debt" was pretty good. I love Helen Mirren and I can always appreciate a good Nazi-ass kicking.

    8) Give me a little known fact about you
    I used to want to be a SFX make-up artist.

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do
    There's really nothing going on in the town I live in. It's the type of place that people come home to, not have fun. The type that we'd have to go to other places to have any fun.

    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother
    My grandma used to take me to a ton of local theater shows. My favorites were when we saw "Fame", "Romeo & Bernadette", "Annie" and "Ragtime".

    image 170 Invited (holy crap!)

    image 98 are coming to party!

    image 29 have other plans

    image 43 need to respond!

    Daisypath Wedding tickers

    "Bside - You're just too sexy for your own good" ~ leia1979

    "True love = I still love you even though we hang out all the time and most other people would be tired of each other already" ~ flygirlmeg
  • edited December 2011

    1) Favorite day of the work week - FRIDAY of course

    2) Favorite song lyric and why - "She's a tough enchilada filled up with nada"
    Gues who?!

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on? - Why would I get dressed? I live naked.

    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first? - whichever side has less balancing on it

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on? - the left - the window seat :)

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show? - Real world

    7) New Movie Recommendation - Rio

    8) Give me a little known fact about you - I mess with my coworkers cube decorations (stuffed animals) once a week. She always yells about it and wants to know who it is. Everyone but her knows it's me.

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do - Breakfast at Blue Willow

    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother - Grandma H always requiring a giant-grandma-squish-hug in the doorway before she let you in the house - didn't matter if it was 20 or 120 degrees out and you were dieing
  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    Dang everyone's hating on Jersey Shore!  It's a train wreck, I know, but I just love Snooki. She cracks me up.  Don't judge!

    Blue: Aren't they amazing?!  I feel like such a waste because it comes with 3 & I can never eat more than 1 too!! 

  • Blue & WhiteBlue & White member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dang everyone's hating on Jersey Shore!  It's a train wreck, I know, but I just love Snooki. She cracks me up.  Don't judge! Blue: <strong>Aren't they amazing?!  I feel like such a waste because it comes with 3 & I can never eat more than 1 too!! </strong>
    Posted by rdr716[/QUOTE]

    Absolutely!  I bring all my North Jersey friends there if/when I make them drive to JC to visit me at my dad's temporary apartment/hotel (wherever he is at the time - he really lives in FL, just works in NJ)
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:56f99173-9371-462c-9e4b-1491eab0bf82Post:8b9c0e75-dcce-407e-a59f-696bbb248992">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dang everyone's hating on Jersey Shore!  It's a train wreck, I know, but I just love Snooki. She cracks me up.  Don't judge!
    Posted by rdr716[/QUOTE]

    Oh, I'm judging ... come on, stand up for your state! ;)

    image 170 Invited (holy crap!)

    image 98 are coming to party!

    image 29 have other plans

    image 43 need to respond!

    Daisypath Wedding tickers

    "Bside - You're just too sexy for your own good" ~ leia1979

    "True love = I still love you even though we hang out all the time and most other people would be tired of each other already" ~ flygirlmeg
  • edited December 2011
    1) Favorite day of the work week
    Wednesday actually, I always find I'm busiest on Wednesdays so they fly by. The rest of the week is downhill from Wednesday.

    2) Favorite song lyric and why
    Right now it's the entire song by Agent Ribbons "Boy with the wooden lips" It's just so sweet and adorable. I've been in a warm and fuzzy mood lately so here they are:
    Your little doll hands
    Felt for the meat behind my breast
    It seemed so strange that
    There'd be a drum
    Inside my chest
    and then you wonder if
    my little drum ever hurt?
    and I said
    "Only when it breaks beneath heavy words"

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?
    Underoos :P

    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?
    Left. I'm right handed but my left foot is slightly smaller so it's not such a struggle to put a shoe on when I'm sleepy.

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
    I'm with PP. As far from the door as possible. Not sure how BF feels being a human sheild.

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?
    Any trashy fake housewives blabity blah.

    7) New Movie Recommendation
    I haven't been in a few weeks so rental I would say "Super" and I'm going to see "The Debt" this weekend and will let you know if it's good. 
    8) Give me a little known fact about you
    I drink pickle juice. I know it's disgusting to most but I guess there are competitions for it! I want in on that!

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do
    You have to go on a duck tour. NOT a super duck tour (they're imposters). Also the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum is beautiful.

    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother
    Sleeping over my grandmother's house with my mom for Thanksgiving when I was about 8 or 9. We all got up at 5 and started cooking a huge meal for that whole side of the family. Three generations in one kitchen. I'm the youngest of three sisters so it was really special to have my mom and grandma to myself while learning the best way to baste a turkey :)
    Rampaging bears are the answer to all of our cultural missteps
  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today : Oh, I'm judging ... come on, stand up for your state! ;)
    Posted by bsidebella[/QUOTE]

    <div>LOL I get that, but I think ppl know that NJ isn't really like the cast of Jersey Shore, most of them aren't even from NJ!  (I'm looking at you New York)</div>

  • csousa1csousa1 member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments 250 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011

    1) Favorite day of the work week

    Friday! Other than that I really enjoy Wednesdays, because that is the night that my sister and I go to my mom's to visit. I also really like Thursdays, because they always seem to go by fast and it's almost Friday.

    2) Favorite song lyric and why

    Across the Universe by the Beatles is my favorite song, and this verse is probably my favorite -

    Sounds of laughter shades of earth
    are ringing through my open ears
    exciting and inviting me
    Limitless undying love which
    shines around me like a million suns
    It calls me on and on across the universe
    Jai guru deva om
    Nothing's gonna change my world

    I love it because it reflects how I feel about life in general - that it's all sort of an amazing experience full of wonder, and you have to make your own world and journey out of it. It's also just a very peaceful song to me.

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?

    Underwear, then bra.

    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?

    The right.

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?

    The left. Normally I like to sleep on whatever side is not near the door and closer to the TV (I can't see past his giant shoulders). This has somehow always worked out to me being on the left and BF on the right.

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?

    They are all pretty awful, but I guess I don't understand the point of Teen Mom at all. They already have a lot to deal with in life, getting pregnant so young. The last thing that should happen is for their situations to be exploited.

    7) New Movie Recommendation

    The last two I saw were Cowboys and Aliens and The Change-Up. They were both pretty awesome.

    8) Give me a little known fact about you

    Right now I'm obsessed with the shows Sons of Guns and Melissa and Joey.

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do

    Red Sox game at Fenway Pahk with a hotdog and a beer.

    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother
    Helping him with the brush fires every year, and riding around on his John Deere mower. With my grandmother, learning how to make scones.

  • lunarsongbirdlunarsongbird member
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    1) Favorite day of the work week
    Friday- It's a happy day before the weekend!

    2) Favorite song lyric and why
    The Beatles, "I Will". I love this entire song- always have, but when I met Andrew- it made even more sense. I believe there is a strong possibility that I have known Andrew in another lifetime. I think he's my twinflame. So my favorite lyric is: "Who knows how long I've loved you, You know I love you still."

    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?
    My panties and then my bra.

    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?
    My right- it's my dominate foot.

    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
    It depends on the bed and the room. Most of the times I like sleeping on the side closest to the window, which is typically the left side (when looking at the bed).

    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?
    Wasn't there some bridal plastic surgery show? That is terrible.

    7) New Movie Recommendation
    The Help. I really enjoyed it.

    8) Give me a little known fact about you
    I've donated a foot of my hair on four different occassions.

    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do
    Visiting the top of Pikes Peak...Let's DOOO it!

    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother
    My grandmother let me snap green beans on the porch before we made dilly beans. Yum! I can't wait to make my very own dilly beans!
    LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:56f99173-9371-462c-9e4b-1491eab0bf82Post:b7c11962-e487-46aa-b55d-d8115dbf3944">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today : LOL I get that, but I think ppl know that NJ isn't really like the cast of Jersey Shore, most of them aren't even from NJ!  (I'm looking at you New York)
    Posted by rdr716[/QUOTE]

    I dunno, man ... I talked to a girl from Texas yesterday who said, "You're in Jersey? That's so cool! I watch the show!"


    image 170 Invited (holy crap!)

    image 98 are coming to party!

    image 29 have other plans

    image 43 need to respond!

    Daisypath Wedding tickers

    "Bside - You're just too sexy for your own good" ~ leia1979

    "True love = I still love you even though we hang out all the time and most other people would be tired of each other already" ~ flygirlmeg
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]1) Favorite day of the work week Friday! Other than that I really enjoy Wednesdays, because that is the night that my sister and I go to my mom's to visit. I also really like Thursdays, because they always seem to go by fast and it's almost Friday. 2) Favorite song lyric and why Across the Universe by the Beatles is my favorite song, and this verse is probably my favorite - Sounds of laughter shades of earth are ringing through my open ears exciting and inviting me Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns It calls me on and on across the universe Jai guru deva om Nothing's gonna change my world I love it because it reflects how I feel about life in general - that it's all sort of an amazing experience full of wonder, and you have to make your own world and journey out of it. It's also just a very peaceful song to me. 3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on? Underwear, then bra. 4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first? The right. 5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on? The left. Normally I like to sleep on whatever side is not near the door and closer to the TV (I can't see past his giant shoulders). This has somehow always worked out to me being on the left and BF on the right. 6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show? They are all pretty awful, but I guess I don't understand the point of Teen Mom at all. They already have a lot to deal with in life, getting pregnant so young. The last thing that should happen is for their situations to be exploited. 7) New Movie Recommendation The last two I saw were Cowboys and Aliens and The Change-Up. They were both pretty awesome. 8) Give me a little known fact about you Right now I'm obsessed with the shows Sons of Guns and <strong>Melissa and Joey</strong>. 9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do Red Sox game at Fenway Pahk with a hotdog and a beer. 10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother Helping him with the brush fires every year, and riding around on his John Deere mower. With my grandmother, learning how to make scones.
    Posted by csousa1[/QUOTE]

    BF and I watched the Mararthon on Wednesday... Its not like its great writing or anything but we couldn't stop watching. We decided it was because we grew up with Clarissa Explains it All, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Blossom and Brotherly Love so its like our youth all over again. lol
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • csousa1csousa1 member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments 250 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:56f99173-9371-462c-9e4b-1491eab0bf82Post:ea50a570-7b75-4637-90a8-514c2b0c91b8">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today : BF and I watched the Mararthon on Wednesday... Its not like its great writing or anything but we couldn't stop watching. We decided it was because we grew up with Clarissa Explains it All, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Blossom and Brotherly Love so its like our youth all over again. lol
    Posted by CCO2012[/QUOTE]

    Yes! Plus I always had somewhat of a crush on Joey Lawrence, I'm not sure why. I just love how they are with each other, and I find it funny even though it is silly. I love their movie My Fake Fiance for all the same reasons haha.
  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: *stomps feet* Okay, I feel better... Questions for today : I dunno, man ... I talked to a girl from Texas yesterday who said, "You're in Jersey? That's so cool! I watch the show!" *headdesk*
    Posted by bsidebella[/QUOTE]

    <div>LOL did you tell her you had to go, it's GTL time?!</div>

  • ravenrayravenray member
    5000 Comments 25 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    1) Favorite day of the work week
    Sunday. (I work weekends)
    2) Favorite song lyric and why
    “I've never heard silence quite this loud.”  I love this part in the song.  It is beautiful and a great description of something that catches you off guard
    3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?
    4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?
    I think the right foot.
    5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
    The right side/middle.  I have a queen all to myself
    6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?
    I really don’t watch that stuff so IDK?
    7) New Movie Recommendation
    Jane Eyre!  I want to see it so bad.
    8) Give me a little known fact about you
    I am 5’8 and have been since 6th grade
    9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do
    Apple Hill.  It’s awesome.  Apple orchards, wineries, breweries, and beauty.  I have it all here. 
    10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother
    Finding shells on the beach with my grandmother
    "Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained"-C.S. Lewis

    Married! May 27th, 2012

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