Sometimes I feel like just stomping my feet like a 3 year old and throwing a temper tantrum. *sigh* I'm trying to make today a good day since it isn't starting out so nice...soooo here's today's random questions.
1) Favorite day of the work week
2) Favorite song lyric and why
3) When you get dressed in the morning, what is the first thing you put on?
4) When you put your shoes on...which foot goes on first?
5) Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
6) In your opinion, what is the worst reality tv show?
7) New Movie Recommendation
8) Give me a little known fact about you
9) Tell me something fun that if visiting your town/city, needs to be on the List of things to do
10) Favorite memory with your grandfather/grandmother
Okay...was that random enough?? :-P
Bit of a P&R... I should get some work done today lol