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AW-- First Online Wedding Stuff Purchase!

Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! I bought stuff! *does a happy dance*

It's my first purchase of wedding stuff, aside from dress and all that. You know. But little stuff! DETAILS!

Here's what I got:

For my flower girl:

With her name on it! She will LOVE it, she's such a little pink princess. Kiss

And for my bridesmaids:

I got the white ones, because I figure they're pretty classic and easy to wear again. I'm so excited!

Re: AW-- First Online Wedding Stuff Purchase!

  • babybchbumbabybchbum member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    So fun. I can't wait to be home and doing wedding stuff.
  • PaigeMcCPaigeMcC member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Very nice! I love the bag for your flower girl...too cute!

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  • edited December 2011
    Jenna, I was looking at your bio and I LOVE your dress. Who is it by? What dress? I love that style! Thanks!

    Oh, and the bag is super cute and I love the earrings!
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  • edited December 2011
    Aww, thanks, KD! My dress is Alfred Angelo style 1148. It's awesome! I am going to pick it up in a couple of weeks. Innocent
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks! I'll put that in the mental bank of stuff to look into someday when he pops the questions. I saw a similar style dress on SYTTD a while ago and loved it but there is no way I could ever afford (or justify) Kleinfelds. Your dress came in really fast right? That was you posting about how quick the turn around time was I think. I bet you're super excited!
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  • edited December 2011
    Oh, yeah. I ordered it on October 29, it was in on November 20. They told me it would be the end of January, but obviously it was early!

    So, they're holding it until after Christmas for me, no big deal. I'm really happy with that store. Smile

    It's also a very comfortable dress. It's all taffeta, not heavy, no beading, and it has that very flattering portrait neckline (with STRAPS!). I'm in love with it. Innocent
  • edited December 2011
    Forgot to mention-- the original price was like $550. I got it on sale for $450. Not too shabby!
  • edited December 2011
    Yeah, I looked it up to see what the price range is and did a little happy dance when I saw the one bell symbol! Bf and I had a conversation this week about plans and he told me not to worry, it was coming soon. We'll see what soon means! Thanks for the info. Trying not to put the horse before the cart but it's nice to have some info about things in case we start planning a wedding soon.
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  • edited December 2011
    Jeana!  I looked at that bag for my FGs, but didn't buy it because I was worried it would be really small.  Let me know how big it is when you get it please!  :)  It is SUPER cute looking.
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  • edited December 2011
    My flower girl is 3, so small would be fine for her. Although if it's normal-size that's okay too. I can certainly see the little princess using it anyway. I may also grab some sparkly sheer lip gloss and a little baby doll to keep her occupied during the ceremony.

    Also, I am trying to think of what to get for my ring bearer. He's 7, and totally a  BOY, so it's kinda hard. I am thinking either a little set of animal-type toys (he's way into animals and Animal Planet) or a  box of Legos.
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