Do you guys ever feel that compared to what your BF/FI/H makes as an income, that what you make isn't adequate?
In my last LT relationship, I was the "bread winner". I made a lot more then my ex did. I oddly liked this, I felt really good that I brought home the bacon and if he didn't have me he wouldn't be able to live. I know that sounds bitchy, but its how I felt.
BF came home the other day and handed me a letter, it was his bonus and raise from work. I wanted to cry. His annual raise was 1/4 of what I make a year and his bonus was more then I made last year. This makes me feel totally inadequate to the house hold, I didn't even get a raise last year because of the economy down turn. I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but it does. He is always paying for me and I feel bad. I do offer him money when, I have extra and he almost always refuses it. I don't want him to think I am with him because he pays for me, and he gets offended if I refuse it.
Has anyone else ever felt like this? Or been in that situation?