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Life after the wedding (Short AW)

So after these past long stressful days I've been wondering what it will be like to have all this time every day NOT planning a wedding!  I'm also graduating August 7th after over six years of on/off undergrad so that will be weird, and I'm nervous about having nothing to do!

Then I get to the rescue to feed and the barn manager is super excited to see me...  This is the first time she's brought a horse up from iso to show off while I was working, lol!  He has back and shoulder soreness but is otherwise cleared as "rideable" so my project will be to rehab him and see if he heals enough to actually be comfortable under saddle.  It's a months-long project that I can start next month and will likely end in getting to ride a fun horse for a while!  Yay!  Worst-case scenario we fix his feet and manage the muscle pain and he gets to be a pasture puff, but I get a few months of extra work.  It's a win-win!

Re: Life after the wedding (Short AW)

  • bethsmilesbethsmiles member
    10000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    Sounds exciting! I've got 2 more years of school...ugh! I bet you are happy to be so close to done :D. Its good to hear you are having some extra goodness in your life after your last stressful post! so yay for you!! *hugs*

  • edited December 2011
    Congrats on almost being done! I'm glad you have a project to jump into after the wedding. I'm a little worried that I'll have some after wedding blues. So far, I've kind of liked planning the wedding and I definitely think about it A LOT. I think I will need some sort of project to turn to after.
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