I'm really freaking tired of the economy. SERIOUSLY. I know that I'm preaching to the choir here, but oh.my.gosh. FI graduated undergrad in 08, took a couple years off and then went back to get his masters in sports management. Should be great to get a job in. Apparently not. Apparently, having a masters in a field doesn't actually qualify you for a job in the field because you need 2 years of experience, and school doesn't count. WTF?! And the stupid whateverthehell is going on with the NFL is not helping things. Nope. Because the next closest sports city to where I'm going to grad school is NOLA. And guess what? No NFL = they're firing, not hiring.
And FI, well, I'm about to drive up to see him and beat the crap out of him. Honestly, LD SUCKS BALLS. I'm tired of it. Over it. I don't want to be long distance anymore. I want to come back after class and curl up with him on the couch and do homework. And make dinner, and play with the baby bird and just live our own lives. But, right now, not feasible. And so, I do the best that I freakin can. He's miserable. He lives with his parents, and they're annoying him to death, and his sister who can't be happy about anything is home for a week (seriously, took this girl shopping, she threw a fit over my recommending tinted moisturizer to even out her complexion and lip gloss for an interview...) so he's about to go nuts anyway. And because he can't get a job, he's waiting tables. Which sucks. He hates the restaurant industry. But he can't find anything else. And so, I'm trying to be positive for the both of us, and it's making it worse, and he's more miserable and I CAN'T FREAKING DEAL.
I feel like we're going in circles. I keep trying to get him to talk to me, and when I make suggestions, I get "whatever". Seriously, I get that he's miserable. I'm miserable. But, I have you guys and school and that's that. This crap isn't forever. This is crap for a couple more years, and then bam, we're back together. I don't know how to help him. I'm beyond frustrated and it's causing me to lose sleep.
And the fact that I've got a ridiculous cold is not helping matters. For anyone who actually read the whole thing, I apologize for grammar and spelling errors and lack of actual sense and transitions. It's 3AM and I am not thinking straight. I'll come back and edit later.