I know most of you are totally against the idea of a buck n doe (stag n doe, jack n jill, same diff), but where I come from they are super common. Everyone has one. A girl I went to high school with is getting married this spring/summer, and sent me the usual Facebook invite to her buck n doe (very common way to spread the word). We haven't spoken in a few years, so I probably wasn't going to go, but today I went to look at her profile, and see that we are no longer friends. Yep, she invited me to her buck n doe (aka invited me to give her and her fiance money), then removed me as a friend less than a week later. She's still friends with BF, I checked, and a few other people who I figured might have been deleted along with me who were also invited. I've never been offended by a de-friend until now. And I probably wouldn't care if it wasn't for that stupid invite.
Ugh. I feel so dumb for being upset by this, but I am, and that's how it is (as juvenile as it might be). Any Facebook and/or friend complaints anyone else wants to share?