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Hi ladies! How's everyone doing? I feel like I haven't been on in a few days. Update me on your lives because I am nosey and need to know everything haha.

I bought a car on Saturday! It's a 2008 Mazda 3 and I am so pumped! I just got off the phone with my insurance company and I got a great rate, and it will be dropping in July because of my age. I am going there at lunch to sign all the paper work and then off to the bank to finalize my loan.

Your turn! What's going on?
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Re: Hey!

  • Beads921Beads921 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Yay! That's fantastic news! BF has a Mazda 3, but it's either and 04 or an 05, and his insurance rate majorly sucks. He loves it, and I'm sure you will too! 

    I haven't been around a ton lately either (as in this weekend - it was busy), so I can't really speak for anyone else. BF and I have been working on planning our vacation, which I absolutely can't wait for. Other than that, everything is normal here. Oh! Except BF's Dad dropped his cat off yesterday morning. We're cat sitting for a week and a half. His cat basically rocks! She's almost a year old, and is a major suck :) I'm going to buy some toys for her today (he didn't bring any), since all we had here was a ping pong ball. 
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    Life is good today.
  • AudgiePodgeAudgiePodge member
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    YaY for the car!!

    We moved into a new house last week.  We've been here for about a week already.  It's bomb diggity.
    I'm not good at feelings.

  • edited December 2011
    I request pics of the new car. 

    FI and my family are going on a cruise in about 2 weeks and I am very excited! :) 

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • LizzyTish88LizzyTish88 member
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:71ba96e6-f1b1-4fa5-8a3d-5e21da6bda31Post:7b5942ce-c09b-4776-860f-2f5d637a3553">Re: Hey!</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>I request pics of the new car</strong>.  FI and my family are going on a cruise in about 2 weeks and I am very excited! :) 
    Posted by SeaTea02[/QUOTE]

    Okay but forgive her, she is a little dirty.. this was taken right after purchase, they haven't cleaned her up yet.

    <a href="" title="Click to view a larger photo" onclick="return gSiteLife.LoadForumPage('ForumImage', 'plckPhotoId', 'd0562156-5f51-4bf8-80dc-aa954e65341a', 'plckRedirectUrl', gSiteLife.EscapeValue(window.location.href));" class="PhotoLink"><img src="" alt="" /></a>
    Front view.. with Step-Dad in the back there.

    <a href="" title="Click to view a larger photo" onclick="return gSiteLife.LoadForumPage('ForumImage', 'plckPhotoId', '844d1ac2-fad8-47c1-9795-4cb6953dbdc5', 'plckRedirectUrl', gSiteLife.EscapeValue(window.location.href));" class="PhotoLink"><img src="" alt="" /></a>
    And side view.
    friends tv show funy
  • edited December 2011
    Very nice! 

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • AudgiePodgeAudgiePodge member
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I'm not good at feelings.

  • desertsundesertsun member
    5000 Comments Fifth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Hurray for new car, C! Really exciting. She's supercute. :)

    Sea Tea, a cruise at this time of year sounds I'm jealous!

    Congrats on the new house, Audgie!

    I haven't been up to a whole lot. Caught a bad cold about 10 days ago, and while the bad symptoms only lasted a couple days or so, I've just been feeling really run down. Add in some killer cramps, and I spent a lot of the past week on the couch! But I was feeling well enough Sunday night to go out for dinner and a movie with my H as a Valentine's Day 2.0. (Since I was sick the first time around). We had a really great night. :)

    Beads, I'm confused. Does the cat suck or rock???

    Hope you all have a great week this week!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • PaigeMcCPaigeMcC member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Nice ride!!

    We moved this weekend.  Now we're unpacking.  FML.

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  • cu97tigercu97tiger member
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Yay CDE! Congrats on the new car. I can't wait to replace mine, but with everything that's going on, I'm resigning myself to driving it for at least another year.

    There isn't too much going on here except I keep having dreams that my BF proposes to me and I don't like the ring. I know I'm going BSC because I think it's coming in the next few weeks!
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    Still here and still fabulous!

  • LizzyTish88LizzyTish88 member
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Thanks everyone! I'm a few steps closer to getting it. My insurance is all squared away and now I'm just waiting on the bank to write my check. I got pre-approved for a loan, but I went a little over it so they have to just check to see I can afford going over. Fingers crossed that I get the check today so the car with hopefully be ready for tomorrow night!
    friends tv show funy
  • edited December 2011
    Yay for new cars, new places to live, and vacations!

    Tiger start dreaming about bunnies and kitties.

    Last night we went and talked with my FI parents. He stayed outside talking with his dad about his jeep, while I sat inside with his mom trying to explain to her that we didn't want the traditional over the top wedding. She loves fine china and everything about over the top weddings. I took a look at my FI sister's wedding stuff a while back and she had already spent 40k and wasn't done yet. And FI's brother had spent 6k just on the rehersal dinner. Sorry that turned into a mini rant.

    Anyways good news is, his parents are giving us money for the wedding. It is only a little more than FBIL spent on his rehersal dinner, but I think we can do almost all of our wedding on it.
  • cu97tigercu97tiger member
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Niknik... I will try to dream of other things. The dreams I'm having now are stressful (since in the dream I try not to tell him I don't like the ring and then run around like crazy trying to find a new one).

    That's great news about FI's parents. I hadn't even thought about BFs mom wanting to contribute (my BF is her only child).
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:71ba96e6-f1b1-4fa5-8a3d-5e21da6bda31Post:018edf24-4667-4e54-98e8-902dbda3248b">Re: Hey!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Niknik... I will try to dream of other things. The dreams I'm having now are stressful (since in the dream I try not to tell him I don't like the ring and then run around like crazy trying to find a new one). That's great news about FI's parents. I hadn't even thought about BFs mom wanting to contribute (my BF is her only child).
    Posted by cu97tiger[/QUOTE]

    I had one of those dreams the night after we got engaged. When I first saw my e-ring I wasn't especially happy about it. Now that I have worn it for almost a week, I absolutely love it and wouldn't change it for the world. The more I look at it, the more I fall in love with every little detail about it.

    I think once you have it on your finger, you have a since of ownership of it. What he chose and thinks is best for you along with the fact that he took the step and shelled out that money means more than the shape and size of the ring itself.

    Looking back, he could have given me two carrots on a ziptie and it wouldn't have mattered to me. I would still be happy with it (until the carrots started to stink <img src="" border="0" alt="Wink" title="Wink" />)
  • tafft1tafft1 member
    edited December 2011
    Grats on the new car :) Monday hubby and I celebrated our 6 month wedding anniversary - yes corny/lame I know but it's important to us :) Time is just going by too damn fast ! On that note we both have adopted better eating habits and after our first week or so I have lost 3.5lbs and he has lost 4 lbs. We both support each other in our weight loss which is huge along with some awesome ladies I wouldn't know what to do without. That's it for now - oh I did get my California driving permit so I can drive again as long as someone is in the car with me , lol. Now to take my driving test next month to make it official. My old license expired in Michigan back in 2007 when I had a broken foot and at the time was mid bad breakup so I had to start from scratch..I feel so lame lol.
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  • edited December 2011
    Congrats on the new car!!!

    I bought a brand new car in December, and a little part of it broke today, so I get to take it in to be fixed.  At least it'll be covered in the warranty.  So, boo to new cars breaking.

    I hope that your new car loves you more than mine loves me!!!
  • leia1979leia1979 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Good choice on the Mazda 3! Nice car.

    Tafft - Whatever you do, don't take your driving test in Fremont (that's probably a little far from you anyway). I took my test there when I was 18 and failed. The streets there are kinda wacky.
  • cu97tigercu97tiger member
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Hey!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Hey! : I had one of those dreams the night after we got engaged. When I first saw my e-ring I wasn't especially happy about it. Now that I have worn it for almost a week, I absolutely love it and wouldn't change it for the world. The more I look at it, the more I fall in love with every little detail about it.<strong> I think once you have it on your finger, you have a since of ownership of it.</strong> What he chose and thinks is best for you along with the fact that he took the step and shelled out that money means more than the shape and size of the ring itself. Looking back, he could have given me two carrots on a ziptie and it wouldn't have mattered to me. I would still be happy with it (until the carrots started to stink )
    Posted by niknik15[/QUOTE]

    <div>I totally agree. My sister went on a huge rant this morning about how I need to talk to BF and tell him what I want, that we need to look more, etc, so that I feel better about what he'll choose. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I feel like I've given him a couple good points (I don't want gold, I don't want the setting to stick up too high because I'm clumsy), and I trust his judgement on the rest, so I'm ok with him picking it out.</div><div>
    </div><div>She kept saying 'your subconcious is trying to tell you blah blah blah. Well, it can keep telling me that, because I'm hoping he proposes in the next couple weeks (my parents are coming to town) so I'm definitely not getting into the whole e-ring discussion again now!</div><div>
    </div><div>Sorry OP for hijacking your thread!</div>
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    "You are made of win." -SopChick
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