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Trying to find a job is tiring!

I'm just so over it. I've been trying to find a full time teaching job for the last year and still haven't gotten anything. I have been lucky enough to find two interim jobs at this one school, but I am really hoping that something permanent will come up. Me and my BF are seriously wanting to go ahead and get married within the next year and it would make things so much easier for me to have a job. BF does okay by himself but supporting both of us would make things very tight money wise.
Having a full-time teaching job would just be the icing on the cake.  BF and I already looked at rings and he even got the ring and has hidden it from me and is waiting for the right moment....of course i'm DYING with anticipation!  And of course this even more so makes me want to rush into getting a full time job now.
I've been looking and applying but no interviews have come up for the Fall term.
It doesn't help also that lots of people want teaching jobs now a day, especially elementary teaching job like I want.
uggh, I'm just so frustrated!! I'm really hoping that something will come up soon and not just for us to get married or anything, but it would be nice to have a job in something that I spent 4 and a 1/2 years in school preparing for! lol

Sorry I know this is a rant but I'm just annoyed about it all,  and hoping that it'll just all happen soon enough (job, engagement, and marriage).

Re: Trying to find a job is tiring!

  • edited December 2011
    I feel your pain. In fact, I was in the same position. I graduated undergrad in 2006 with my degree and certification. I went on and got my masters degree and didn't get a fulltime job until this school year. Now my job might be cut.

    I also waited to get engaged until I had my job. I was a fulltime substitute and FI (then bf) lived together and everything but I didn't want to get married until I had my "ducks in a row."

    Hang in there. It's a tough time for everyone looking for jobs but it will happen for you. Make sure you get your name out there. I had to really put myself out there and get noticed by principals because they could not keep all the candidates straight. I am not a pushy person but I made myself go up and introduce myself and hand deliver resumes.

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