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Speaking of Valentine's Day....

I was just scanning through the Watch post and seen someone say something about V Day.  Then I realized it's in less then a month.  Crap.

What are you all planning on doing for your S/O for Valentines Day?  Or do you even celebrate the holiday (I know some people refuse to acknowledge the day)?

Re: Speaking of Valentine's Day....

  • mana8503mana8503 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Last year I just make a fancy dinner.  Supposely this year, bf already has plans for us... but we said NO GIFTS since we are in the middle of buying a house.
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  • MLekathLEENMLekathLEEN member
    edited December 2011
    Valentines day is the day after FI's birthday. I have no clue what I'm doing but I'm sure he'll buy something and send me an IOU (or UOMe) like he has already done for his birthday present.

    I bought him custom Nike shoes and a sweater. I'm so sweet.
  • edited December 2011
    We've actually never been in the same state on Valentine's Day (for those of you who don't know - we were in  LDR until this past April when I moved down to Louisiana).  So, needless to say, this Valentine's Day means alot to us both.  You'd think I would have already thought of some great plan, but I'm a procrastinator  Embarassed
  • edited December 2011

    This is probably really sexist, but on valentines day, FI always plans something like takes me out to dinner and gets me something little (maybe some flowers and chocolates usually). We like to go somewhere not romantic on valentines day, like famous daves, or some other extremely messy place because we're awesome.  I always get him a card, but I'm usually the one that's spoiled on that day, and that's how it's been the three valentines days we've been together. He thinks valentine's day is for the girl he says.
    I'll give him some lovin' for sure.

    When you love someone, you can tell. When you're in love with someone, everyone else can tell.
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    We don't do Valentines Day.  At all.



  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:86efc6b0-f1e1-4adb-a82c-5d95307ee6acPost:66b7c2be-3742-43ec-a89f-b9e6793e8593">Re: Speaking of Valentine's Day....</a>:
    [QUOTE]We've actually never been in the same state on Valentine's Day (for those of you who don't know - we were in  LDR until this past April when I moved down to Louisiana).  So, needless to say, this Valentine's Day means alot to us both.  You'd think I would have already thought of some great plan, but I'm a procrastinator 
    Posted by Soon2BMrsJeter[/QUOTE]

    Yay! That makes it really extra special. FI and I have always been in an LDR (except on my college breaks when I'm home), but that's the one day we ALWAYS make the effort/spend the money to travel and see the other.
    When you love someone, you can tell. When you're in love with someone, everyone else can tell.
  • CASK85CASK85 member
    1000 Comments 250 Love Its Third Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I always bake red velvet cupcakes for FI  . . . we've gone out to dinner before. Not sure about this year since we're trying to save money for the wedding. 
  • mana8503mana8503 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:86efc6b0-f1e1-4adb-a82c-5d95307ee6acPost:74c079e5-f8b5-4c95-911d-323fb8b851d1">Re: Speaking of Valentine's Day....</a>:
    [QUOTE]This is probably really sexist, but on valentines day, FI always plans something like takes me out to dinner and gets me something little (maybe some flowers and chocolates usually). We like to go somewhere not romantic on valentines day, like famous daves, or some other extremely messy place because we're awesome.  I always get him a card, but I'm usually the one that's spoiled on that day, and that's how it's been the three valentines days we've been together. <strong>He thinks valentine's day is for the girl he says</strong>.   I'll give him some lovin' for sure.
    Posted by bourgehm[/QUOTE]

    So does my BF.  I just made dinner, he got a remote starter put on my Jeep for me.  He said this year, it'll be something less than 20 bucks and a nice dinner... but won't tell me where. 

    Lovin' FOR SURE!  Since that's about all we can afford right now.
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  • marleylikeairmarleylikeair member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    BF got me heart-shaped window-jellies at the grocery store. :) That's all that's planned so far...I'm hoping he takes me out or plans something romantic, though. I'm going to get him a card and a present of some kind, but I don't know what yet.
  • Hazel_BHazel_B member
    edited December 2011
    We don't go out for Valentine's Day at all. We use it as an excuse to have an extra special dinner at home. The past 2 Valentine's Days I have made BF homemade truffles, he particularly loves my skor truffles. Last year I had a chocolate and beer tasting basket for him. He bought me Julia Child's cookbook.

    I don't know what is I'm doing this year. We've discussed that BF wants lamb for the maincourse and a fruit tart for dessert. Unfortunately this is exactly what we had last year as well. I need to change it up somehow.

  • Hazel_BHazel_B member
    edited December 2011
    Oh, BF and I are in agreement that Valentine's day is a fun/silly day and our anniversary is the romantic day.
  • edited December 2011

    BOURG - Ah, it's not sexist - if that's how he feels then Yay for you!  There have been years that I'd visit a few weeks AFTER V-Day but never managed to get our schedules to where we could actually be together. 

    Cate - For some reason it does not suprise me one bit that you're one of the non-celebraters...I'm not sure why.

    cschiano - I wish I could bake...He loves red velvet cake.  I'll just have to buy one though LOL  After my fiasco of attempting to make steak for Christmas and the complete failure, I'm not even thinking of doing anything that involves me cooking.

  • edited December 2011
    Hazel - Oh, I definitely don't want to "go out" on Valentine's Day.  I am not a fan of crowds and insane restaraunts.  So it'll definitely be an evening spent in or somewhere that most people wouldn't normally go to.  Oh - and I think I may have to steal your beer/chocolate tasting idea!
  • Hazel_BHazel_B member
    edited December 2011
    Jeter - Baking and Cooking are totally different! Cooking is an art whereas baking is a science. get a good red velvet recipe, follow it and you are set. Cooking recipes are much more vague. You can for sure do it. If he loves red velvet cake, the effort you'll have gone to will mean so much more to him.

    I think you can do it!
  • Hazel_BHazel_B member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:86efc6b0-f1e1-4adb-a82c-5d95307ee6acPost:1683fa3e-5d60-407d-8925-49db34302be4">Re: Speaking of Valentine's Day....</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hazel - Oh, I definitely don't want to "go out" on Valentine's Day.  I am not a fan of crowds and insane restaraunts.  So it'll definitely be an evening spent in or somewhere that most people wouldn't normally go to.  Oh - and I think I may have to steal your beer/chocolate tasting idea!
    Posted by Soon2BMrsJeter[/QUOTE]

    Jeter - If you want to geer chocolates to his tastes, homemade truffles are super easy to do. I only started because I realized how expensive truffles and chocolate dipper strawberries were at Godiva.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm actually a great cook.  But the whole steak night thing was SUCH a disaster and I'm scared to try agian.  But...maybe..just maybe I'll try the red velvet idea.  Someone better tell me exactly how to do it though!!  I think last time I tried making one I didn't let it cool and tried to ice went south from there, as one could imagine.
  • Hazel_BHazel_B member
    edited December 2011
    Jeter - I've used the joy of baking recipes for fruit tart and truffles, maybe try there for a red velvet recipe?

    Also, I didn't mean to imply that you were a bad cook. I was trying to be encouraging about baking. Hopefully I didn't offend you.

    Edit - Here's the recipe -
  • edited December 2011
    Hazel - Now you're getting WAAAY out of my league with the whole baked truffles thing LOL  I'm so not a baker, at all.
  • mana8503mana8503 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I think his gift will be be getting new lingerie.

    Does anyone think a V-day proposal coming?  I don't want it to be then to be honest... but I guess I won't care in the end  if it was v-day.
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  • Hazel_BHazel_B member
    edited December 2011

    lol, all it is is melting chocolate, forming into balls and rolling or dipping them. I thought I was going to be a complete failure at it when I started them 2 years ago and it was way easier than I ever expected it to be. I had a bad track record with candy making and thought I'd be a failure at truffles. BF and I had been together for a month at that point, I was being brave.

  • edited December 2011
    Hazel - LOL Nooo, you didn't offend me at all!  Thanks for the recipe - I'll have to check that site out.

    mana - I know people say "Oh I don't want the proposal on this day or that day or a holiday" but I promise you, if he proposed on Valentines Day or your birthday or just any ol day - the last thing on your mind will be what day it is (or at least I hope so)   Wink
  • edited December 2011
    Hmm... well I did successfully make peanut butter balls during Christmas... Although, I have to say they looked kinda rough but tasted great.
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:86efc6b0-f1e1-4adb-a82c-5d95307ee6acPost:9b2ed0bb-552e-4e85-a924-cb6d444e0074">Re: Speaking of Valentine's Day....</a>:
    [QUOTE]Cate - For some reason it does not suprise me one bit that you're one of the non-celebraters...I'm not sure why.
    Posted by Soon2BMrsJeter[/QUOTE]

    *Shrug*  Probably because I tend to buck tradition and like reasoning things out logically.  I'm kind of more like a guy when it comes to stuff like that. Oh well!

    I just don't see the point in celebrating the same day as everyone else - flowers are more expensive around Valentines, and it becomes some sort of competition among women.  "Oh, your husband took you out for dinner?  Mine sent me flowers at work!"  It's not that I don't like sweet romantic things - I'm a total sap when it comes to that stuff - but I prefer that he chooses any other day of the year to do something special.  I feel like flowers for absolutely no reason whatsoever mean more to me than flowers that he bought because he's "supposed to".

    He sent me a teddy bear at work in November.  I had gone home to visit my parents for the weekend, and he decided he missed me and wanted to make me smile, so he arranged for the bear to be delivered to work later that week when I got back.  This silly little bear makes me so incredibly happy every time I look at it!



  • edited December 2011
    To each their own. 

    I like to think DH doesn't send flowers on Valentine's Day because he is "supposed" to, but just because he's sweet and knows they'll make me smile.  Maybe I'm insane for thinking that though.
  • tafft1tafft1 member
    edited December 2011
    We decided to go to Benihana for dinner since it was the first real date night we had before we got married. My husband still has a photo they snapped of us on His desk at work and I thought it would be a great way to remember that and make some new memories. Most likely we will go out to a movie and just enjoy time together - something we don't get a whole lot of normally due to conflict of schedules.

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  • mana8503mana8503 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Soon2B - haha I know that's how I feel.  But I feel like it's a forced I LOVE YOU holiday.  I wouldn't mind bday or christmas... but I'll be too excited to even care if that's what happens.  BF sucks at secrets and he said he not proposing on our cruise in March, but before.  And now he's got these big plans for v-day... i'm jst connecting the dots.
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  • Blue & WhiteBlue & White member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Hey, I was the one that mentioned VDay ;)  I can pretty much say that I don't think BF is getting the watch he wants, but frankly, I have no idea what we're doing.

    I imagine I should figure that out though!
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • edited December 2011
    I work at a florist. I haven't had a Valentines since we were 15. He always gets me a little something, but we can never actually spend the day together. 

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  • Hazel_BHazel_B member
    edited December 2011
    Cate -  I hate the commercialization of Valentine's Day and the competition that surrounds it. However, I do like the fact that it exists. People get busy and people can get overwhelmed with life. I don't think it is a bad thing that a day exists to remind people to think of their relationships. What you do with that is something totally private.
  • edited December 2011
    tafft - I'd like to go to the movies but I have a feeling it'll be packed... Althooouuuught, isn't V Day on like a Monday or something this year? I bet alot of people will be celebrating over the weekend instead.  Hmm.

    mana - Hmmmm...sure sounds like a possibility that you'll be one of the VDay proposals!

    SeaTea - I've always wanted to work at a florist.  That's all.
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