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How did you meet?


Re: How did you meet?

  • edited December 2011

    Me and my bf met while at college.  We were both involved in an honors program for our major (sounds really geeky I know).  Throughout college I was never really involved with the program as much as I should have been, I played college softball and had 'better' things to do than go hang out with a bunch of people who were nerds. 
    During the fall we had a trip planned to go meet with a company cause we were suppose to do some consulting work.  It was imperative that we get a good night sleep to make a good impression, however, I already had plans to go out.  Needless to say, I showed up the next morning in terrible shape- hungover/no sleep/eyes puffy from crying all night.. we've all been there.  Overall, just a terrible time. 
    Anyways, here I was- looking like death, and everyone knowing it.  While we were getting a tour of the warehousing facilities I was dragging in the back minding my own business.  My now bf was the VP at the time and came over and we were talking for a bit.  He was great- making me laugh, joking around with everyone.  Made my aweful day somewhat better.  It was the first time I actually gave this group a chance, and let me tell you, they are some of the best people I could ask for to hangout with.  Really fun group.  We all ended up going to the bar that night and something about him just kept me interested.  After the bar a few of us went and got breakfast- 3 girls and him and long story short- he ends up getting punched in the face by some crazy man out of no where. Real romance story I know. 
    Besides getting punched in the face, I really had a good time with him and he invited me to his flag football game the next night.  This was the point where I was like uhhh... yeah, can't wait.  Remember- I played college softball (Division 1), and am some what of a competitor.  Here this guy, who I knew through an HONORS program (our VP) wanted me to go.  I was like ohhh lord, this could go two ways- he's good and I keep my interest, or he's really unathletic and I just can't get past that.  I am not one that has to date someone athletic and have dated people who aren't in the past.  But if you want one of your first impressions of yourself to be of your playing a sport- you gotta leave a good impression.
    Anyways, I'm totally rambling here.  I went to his game, he left a GREAT impression and we were inseperable ever since.  He really is my other half, it scares me how similar we are.  His aunt, who is hilarious, always jokes around saying things like, "she's like a dude, but with a vagina! How lucky is he to find her. They are perfect together."
    We have so much fun together, and really enjoy each others company.  I don't think I could see myself with anyone else.  The only thing thats a challenge  is trying to kiss him since I'm only 5'4" and he's 6'4", but I guess I can manage :)

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