I just got back from "playing" outside in the snow with my daughter and dog. My big butt hasn't been sledding in years, and I found myself having to get on my daughters sled to make a path in the 2 1/2 feet of snow we have on our side yard (not all from this storm). I had to scoot myself down the hill laughing while my daughter yelled "It's OK mommy! You can do it!" LMAO, ahhhhh I can only imagine what the neighbors must have been thinking!
The dog loved the snow too! This is the first time all winter I've been able to let my daughter out to play, it's either been too cold, or too late by the time I get home from work to have her ouside, so this worked out :-)
Alright already we'll all float on.
Alright already we'll all float on.
Alright don't worry even if things end up a bit too heavy.
We'll all float on...alright. Already we'll all float on.
Alright already we'll all float on, ok.
Don't worry we'll all float on.
Even if things get heavy, we'll all float on.