If you're looking for something to do this afternoon, I could use some savvy internet shoppers (or anyone with experience buying watches).
I've never bought an expensive watch before, and I'm not sure what brands are good or anything. I'm willing to invest some money in a nice watch, but don't want to get ripped off. Any advice?
Here's the situation: BF and I would like to have something for him to have to commemorate our engagement. We decided a very nice watch would be perfect, since it could be considered an heirloom like an engagement ring and be passed on to future generations.
His likes:
Silver, not gold. Preferably two-toned silver.
Very simple face, no extra features like moon cycles or whatever
White dial face, preferably mother-of-pearl
Budget: $400-800
This is an idea of what his style is like:
Thanks in advance!