I finished my first week of work as an adoption counselor! I like this job a lot. I can tell because I had to work a few extra hours this week, and I did not even mind. I like almost everyone I work with, and my supervisor is a really nice guy. He's very funny and down-to-earth. The management here is such a welcomed change compared to the job I had before I moved.
Basically, I help people pick which animal is right for them. I ask them which characteristics they're looking for, and I suggest a pet in our database that is similar. Then I get to bring the animal to the visiting room, where they can play with them. If they like them, I process the adoption. They're also going to teach me how to administer certain vaccinations and microchips, so I can help when the clinic is really overwhelmed. I'm really excited that I'll get to learn something new that is also very practical.
The job does have a few negative points, but they're really small in the grand scheme of things. The biggest negative is the crazy customers that sometimes come in, but this is nothing new. I've been dealing with crazy customers for years now. I've also become mildly afraid of puppies. People always ask to meet with them, and there are approximately four pups in a cage. When I reach in to get one, I have all of those excited guys jumping and biting at me. I'm convinced they'll take me down one day LOL.
How is everyone else doing out there? I know there were quite a few NEYs who were looking for new jobs or had just started new jobs.