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Teen killed at party inspired by "Project X"

What do you guys think of this? I'm usually in the school of thought that people/teenagers are smart enough to know that things on tv/movies/and video games shouldn't be re-enacted, but this is just insane. Do you think that the way the movie was filmed like a home movie contributed to this or what?

Also, there were never crazy parties at my high school like in tv shows and movies (at least none that I knew of). When you were in high school, did kids party hard?
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Re: Teen killed at party inspired by "Project X"

  • I saw that this morning. I just shook my head. It's sad how stupid people are, they really don't get that there are real and serious consequences in life.

    There were definitely kids at my high school who partied hard, but that was only 4 years ago. I was never into partying. It's just not my thing but I knew of parties with lots of drinking and drugs that went on. People made stupid decisions and for some of them it hd serious consquences.

    The only party I went to in high school I left right before the cops came because I thought it was really boring.

  • Really? Sometimes I just lose faith in humanity.  People are so stupid sometimes...
    "Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained"-C.S. Lewis

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  • Some of my teens have done the party scene and its really just hanging out, listening to music, getting stoned and drunk. One of my kids used to party with his mom's boyfriend, who also introduced him to pot and cigarettes.

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  • I saw an article as well where teens trashed a house just like that movie:

    These kids are pathetic. That's all I have to say about that! Sad about the guy who died... hopefully that taught anyone who was thinking about doing one of these parties a lesson to not follow through!
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  • We partied pretty hard in high school and college, and didn't even have a movie to blame our stupid choices on. 

    Kids are going to be dumb when alcohol and drugs are involved, whether there's a stupid movie about it or not. 
  • I never went to crazy parties like in the movies in high school either. You think I would have been invited to some because I could buy liquor when a lot of people I went to school with couldn't (I graduated late and the legal age here is 18.) Even in university/going to frat parties they weren't crazy like in the movies.
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  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:a7a3c7f8-b6d2-4482-8711-380d88eec7a9Post:3b0e3411-3e40-4856-8a44-bb81765c79f9">Re: Teen killed at party inspired by "Project X"</a>:
    [QUOTE]We partied pretty hard in high school and college, and didn't even have a movie to blame our stupid choices on.  Kids are going to be dumb when alcohol and drugs are involved, whether there's a stupid movie about it or not. 
    Posted by jorja86[/QUOTE]

    Agreed. The kids throwing these parties, and people with GUNS AT PARTIES, are assholes. The movie didn't make them an asshole.
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