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Eeeee! Happy surprise today!


/deep breath.

So. Today I was field-experiencing it up at a middle school with my friend, Tristen. She tells me that she is graduating in December. She and I are taking all the same classes and are on the same track; I asked her how this was possible, and she tells me, "Don't you know? You can graduate before you get your licensure, which enables you to sub for the entire school during your student teaching. Oh--and today is THE LAST DAY to apply."

I applied! And I'm walking in December! OMG! Christmas came early! Of course, I still have to student teach and obtain my license and this *really* doesn't change much, but.. I will feel so much more accomplished, you know? Is that silly?

Anyway, I normally don't post super-happy-excited updates, but I couldn't hold that in!

Also happening in December: I'm moving in with my boyfriend into the townhome he just bought for us--the townhome where we're planning on raising our children and teaching from and omg-someday-being-married-in! The underwriter is working on BF's loan now, but everything else (house inspection, appraisal, pre-approval, etc) has passed with flying colors. Oh! Oh! AND the home-owners are willing to sell us all of their super-fabulous danish-modern furniture!

The only drawback? BF has a horrible cat allergy, and I will most likely have to find new homes for my kitties. ;-; But I'm trying not to think about that right now. Because I still have three months with them. He's going to try the shots, though, and is doing everything he can to make sure I can keep them! So.. YAY!

Thanks for letting me share.. I don't get to do that very often. ^_^
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"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -John Wooden

Re: Eeeee! Happy surprise today!

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