I had to ask. So my BF brother is getting married in two weeks. I don't really know him or his FI very well. I have only met her twice (as much as the rest of the family has. They live in Mexico). Anyways I was invited to her bridal shower but I can't go because I have class that night. Do I still need to get her something? I know I am not in the family yet but his parents keep making comments about how when we get married we need to do it right (they are not happy about how their son is getting married) and I am included in all the family events, including the "whole" family dinners that are going on ever night(both my BF's and his brothers FI's family). So does this obligate me to buy her something?
"Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained"-C.S. Lewis
Married! May 27th, 2012