My summer class starts tomorrow. It was supposed to start last week but the teacher sent an email (with the syllabus) out on the previous Friday saying he would not have class and it would start the 22nd. After recieving the email with the syllabus, I ordered my book of of amazon because it was 1/3 of the price it is at the book store. I thought this would give me time for the book to arrive and for me to do my homework that is due tomorrow. As of last night, the book isn't here yet. It is an english class so I asked the teacher if he could let me know what essays I needed to do my homework on and told him that my book had not arrived yet. He responded and said that there is vital information in the chapters pertaining to the homework and that he indicated that the book has been available at the school bookstore "for weeks now".
This is where I am pissed off:
1.) Weeks is plural, you let us know a WEEK ago. You're an english teacher and you should know the difference between week and weeks.
2.) I understand that their is important information in the book, hence my reason for purchasing the book in the first place. At this point, I would much rather come in with SOMETHING tomorrow, whether it be correct or not, than with nothing and take a 0 for the assignment.
3.) I appreciate you advice to buy the book at the bookstore however, why would I purchase a book for $75 when I already have it on order for $25? I don't really want to spend $100 on two copies of the exact same books.
That was all.