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How often do you talk/text/see your closest friends?  Do you measure friendship by how much you talk?  Do you tell your close friends everything or are you more reserved about what you share.

This is a post and run but I thought it would be interesting to know..
"Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained"-C.S. Lewis

Married! May 27th, 2012

Re: Close Friends

  • How often do you talk/text/see your closest friends?  Do you measure friendship by how much you talk?  Do you tell your close friends everything or are you more reserved about what you share.

    It depends on the friends. There isn't one person, other than maybe BF and Ollie that I text almost everyday. A lot of them it's usually once or twice a week, or month depending.

    I do NOT measure our friendship by how much we talk. Take for example my BFF - we are like sisters. We talk maybe, MAYBE, once a week - if that. And every time, it's as if we just talked three hours ago. I don't have to talk to you all the time for you to know how I feel, or vice versa.

    EH....again, it depends on the friend. It's cliche, I know, but it's the truth. My BFF? Knows everything - probably shiit I shouldn't tell her lol. She knows as much about me as I do myself lol. It all depends on the degree of friendship.
  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited February 2012
    I talk to my 2 closest friends pretty much every day.  I tell them everything.  

  • It depends.  I feel it's unfair to judge a friendship by how often we talk/see each other - especially since pretty much all of my friends do not live within visit distance.

    BFF and I talk when we can.  Usually, we set a date/time and forget about it.  But, when we do talk, it's for as long as we can.  She's working in a lab at Harvard.  I don't begrudge her her lack of time.

    BF is probably the only one I talk to every day.  
    I french with my man
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  • How often do you talk/text/see your closest friends? 

    Talk/text/e-mail: Every couple of days

    See: probably a couple times a month. My good friends and I always make time once a month to come out of the woodwork and have GNO. and there are usually one or two other occasions/parties where we see each other. Depends on a lot of things. And some of my close friends live out of state, so the Californian's and te New Yorkers I never see, but text/fb a lot. Sometimes it feels like I "see" them more than the in-town people.

    Do you measure friendship by how much you talk?  Absolutely not. Some people are talkers, some aren't. We're still just as close. In fact I have a friend who I'm not that close to who calls and can spend HOURS talking (mostly about herself) and I definitely wouldn't consider her one of my best friends. If time talking were the only barometer, we'd be attached at the hip. 

    Do you tell your close friends everything or are you more reserved about what you share.

    They know pretty much everything. Not necessariy as it happens, but I don't mind sharing and I'm honest if asked. 
  • I really only have one close friend. We've been friends since high school, but she went to college on the other side of the state and has stayed out there. We don't talk or see each other often, but when we do it's an effortless friendship.  

    So no, I don't measure a friendship by how much we see each other or talk. I am pretty reserved about sharing my every detail of life with anyone though, I am pretty private.
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  • I have exactly one close friend. She has been my best friend since high school. She still lives in Idaho so I don't see her very often. We don't even really talk that often, not even every week. The only person who I share more about myself with is BF.

    I don't think there is really a way to measure friendship. You just know who you're closest to.

  • I don't talk on the phone often, I'm just not into it.  I rather text or meet up in person and talk.  My BFF and I text like 1-2 times a week and see each other like 1-2 a month.  I tell her everything, she has so much dirt on me.  I talk to you ladies here more often than the friends that live like within 10 miles of me.  But I will say I don't measure friendships on how often we talk.  I have what i call levels of friendship, some I tell everything, some I just keep with the normal stuff and some I keep at superficial level.   
  • How often do you talk/text/see your closest friends? 
    I don't talk on the phone and I rarely see my friends since they live too far away, but I text them almost every day.

    Do you measure friendship by how much you talk? 
    No, I measure a friendship on trust and respect and being able to count on them. If I feel someone trusts and respects me and I can do the same with them, then I say they are a better friend than someone I can talk to every day, but can't trust them or rely on them.

    Do you tell your close friends everything or are you more reserved about what you share.
    I tell FI everything, but he's about the only one. I don't usually like to discuss my feelings, so with everyone else, I usually share happy stuff, or occasionally frustrations, but rarely disappointments or hurt feelings, or intimate things about FI. That's just between the two of us too.

    I will say that there are a few ladies here that I consider to be better friends than a lot of people I know in real life, even if I've never met them.

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  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:bd376a50-1715-4679-ba39-7266b89111ddPost:4b89ef45-c94b-4bdb-896d-ce295ae4d13b">Close Friends</a>:
    [QUOTE]How often do you talk/text/see your closest friends?  Do you measure friendship by how much you talk?  Do you tell your close friends everything or are you more reserved about what you share. This is a post and run but I thought it would be interesting to know..
    Posted by ravenray[/QUOTE]

    Since my (ex) BFF did the dirty (and dumped me via email) I haven't been as interested in hanging out with my current or new friends, to tell you the truth. It took awhile to heal. We used to talk almost every day.

    I used to tell my ex-BFF everything. But now I just tell my FI everything. I am learning that it is doing amazing things for our relationship. I do miss having a female BFF to talk to every day.

    I still see or talk to my close friends about once a month, but to be honest, I have been tooooo busy to do anything more than that lately.
  • I see my BFF once every month or maybe a little longer. It's harder now that we live further apart and have our separate lives going on. My other close friends I see even less frequently. One has a young child, the other lives five hundred miles away. I don't even chat with them that often, but it doesn't mean things still aren't like old times when we do get together.

    I didn't have to think about it to know they were the women I wanted with me for my wedding. I do wish I could see them more often.

    My day-to-day friends are my coworkers, and I really like a bunch of them, but history has told me the odds of staying friends after we leave this job are slim.
  • My very best friend, who will be my MOH, and I talk on the phone for a few hours every couple of weeks.  And we text a few times a week.  We get together once every 3 months or so.  We'd see each other more, but she lives in NY. 
  • How often do you talk/text/see your closest friends? 

    At least once a week, if not once every few days.

    Do you measure friendship by how much you talk? 

    Not at all.

    Do you tell your close friends everything or are you more reserved about what you share?

     I have 3 groups of friends and some know more then others. It depends who I am with, im a lot closer with others then some.
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  • I actually don't talk to my BFFs very often at all. I text them occasionally, and we e-mail fairly frequently. None of them live close, though, or else I have a feeling we'd talk more often, as we'd see each other more often. 

    I don't measure my friendships on how much I talk to them at all. When we're together, it's like we still live together/see each other every day. 
  • How often do you talk/text/see your closest friends?  
    I am really bad at texting, I don't like it. Plus I'm so busy that I just am not good at hokding a conversation over texting. So maybe a few times a month I talk to them. And every few months I see them since both of my best friends are in college in different cities/states.

    Do you measure friendship by how much you talk?  
    Not at all. I may not talk to my best friends all the time, but that never changes our friendship and when we're together it's just the same!

    Do you tell your close friends everything or are you more reserved about what you share.
    I tell only my three closest friends everything and even then there are still some things that I keep to myself or will only share with Matt.
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  •  How often do you talk/text/see your closest friends? 
    I tend to be pretty needy, I text every other day and sometimes every day.
    Do you measure friendship by how much you talk?
    Lol no.  My BFF is married with two kids; she has her own life and can't always talk to me when I want too.
    Do you tell your close friends everything or are you more reserved about what you share.
    I get siriusly burned in my last BFF friendship; she didn't want to know everything.  And that was ok it just really hurt me.  As it is now I am a little more reserved but I still tell almost everything.  I am a talker.  I need to verbalize things a lot of times.

    "Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained"-C.S. Lewis

    Married! May 27th, 2012

  • I don't really have a BFF and I don't have many close friends. Distance and differing schedules tore up my college friendships. Plus a lot of them smoke and drink a lot and I don't do that. Except wine and Sam Adams in moderation. Solution would be to make new friends but I'm socially awkward penguin in groups and I have nothing in common with 90% of the females I meet. And I don't go to bars. I could easily make male friends, since I share more interests with dudes, but I feel like that's disrespectful to BF. Where my girl geeks at yo?? To answer the original question I talk to my IRL female friends through text maybe a couple times a month. I see them maybe once every couple months.

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