The BF had made plans to go paint balling for his friend's birthday last Friday. Well BF got sick Thursday, sick enough that he left work four hours early on friday. Well he still planned to go out. I was out with our dog to get claws clipped and ears cleaned when BF called and said he was heading out. That really wasn’t a good time for me to talk to him since I was juggling the squirming dog and stressed since my bank card magnet was damaged. When I got home I went to sign into facebook to find him still logged in. Well I thought it would be funny to make a facebook update for him. The post included how he should be sick in bed but instead choose to go out.
Now I have had time to think about how stupid I was to post such a passive aggressive statement and have since apologized to him for it. But that is not the problem; the problem is that his friends now think I was doing this to try to get him fired from his job. Little did I know he is also facebook friends with the biggest gossip at his work and had that person seen it he could have gotten into trouble. (no lie he and I have talked about how sorry I really am) He made it very clear that some of his friends now hate me, but will not tell me who. I think it is just the one person but he will not confirm or deny.
I chose not to go to the birthday party for his friend the next day since this was still very fresh. Today is the birthday of another friend and they threw together a last min dinner. I don’t feel like anything has been resolved with his friends and I do not want to go places I am not welcome (blame the social anxiety) I asked him if he wanted me to go, He said he didn’t care. This all just sucks. I have no idea if I should just pretend that it did not happen. Also do I owe them an apology ?