Hi Everyone. I just need to vent. This is not a "please feel sorry for me" post.
I've just had a really rough last few weeks. The sheer volume of work in law school is emotionally debilitating. I found out my father has cancer & he got operated on. My mother's drinking problem has hit an all-time high (I spoke with her on a Monday morning at 10:30 and she was WASTED and asking me if I knew where she could get pain meds.) My brother lives in Toronto and is busy with his MBA program and I barely talk to him. My period was 3 weeks late and I thought I was pregnant. (Thank God I finally got it.) My fiance has started a new work schedule and is working 1:30pm-11:30pm several nights of the week, which has left me really lonely.
And to top it all off, the social situation in law school is HORRIBLE. In the beginning of law school, I had a big group of (what I thought were) great friends. These were people I truly envisioned myself being friends with for a LONG time. We eat lunch together every day, sit next to each other in every one of our six classes, hang out every weekend, etc.
The problems really started when that situation with Jacob hit the fan. (The situation I posted about, where my friend Jacob was in love with me and when I told him that this shouldn't be awkward because I'm not single & not looking...and then he stopped talking to me, looking at me, acknowledging me, etc.) After the Jacob situation, one guy friend I was really good friends (let's call him Ralph) with basically stopped talking to me, stating that I "started drama" (with Jacob) and he doesn't needs to be friends with someone who's so dramatic. Well Ralph is sort of seeing one of my "best" girlfriends in law school. Let's call her Amber.
So, Ralph treats Amber like garbage. He acts like he'll see her when it's convenient for him. He'll talk to her when it's convenient for him, etc. It's always about him and never about her. Amber and I were REALLY good friends. Since Ralph started hating me because of Jacob, Amber has slowly been distancing herself from me. I noticed this, but we were still friends.
So, things sort of came to a head with Amber this week. She's constantly in a BYOTCHY mood about Ralph and the way he treats her. She says she can only talk to her non-law school friends about it because they're not so directly involved. But she'll sometimes make off-handed comments b!tching about him, or if he walks by and doesn't say hi to her (or is otherwise rude to her), her whole mood will go from fine to SUPERB!TCH. So at lunch on Thursday, she's b!tching about Ralph and I'm trying to gauge the situation and offer advice as best I could (which, last I checked, is what girlfriends do). Then it comes out that he's been coming over all last week, but refusing to kiss her or spend the night. And I'm like, "Why have you not mentioned this?" She starts (literally, shouting) "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT THIS!!!!" I'm like "Amber, you're yelling...people are now staring" and she's like IDC. So I'm like..."alllrighty then."
That night, a friend was having people over for dinner/drinks/going out to a bar. I really wanted to go, but was so tired when I got home that I passed out on the couch. So I didn't end up going.
Friday morning, the whole group of girls go out for lunch. They can't stop talking about how much fun they had the night before. They start talking about how they're going shopping later that day and I sort of included myself in that. (Idk how you talk about plans in front of someone when they're not invited.) Ok, so I had to run an errand and enter the law school just as they're all leaving to go shopping. They planned on leaving without me. OK, so we go shopping. I'm all but ignored.
Last night was the Fall Ball. Everyone was like "oh yeah, we have so much work...let's just meet at the hotel" (where the ball was). So fine, I had bought a gorgeous dress, did my hair, did my makeup fancy. FI and I go. We had a fun time in the beginning. All of my girlfriends enter at the same time. Amber starts talking about how drunk she already is because our friend "gave her four glasses of wine before they even got there". So...they'd had a pregame party and not even invited me. How nice. So...I pulled Amber aside privately and said "How could you all get together beforehand and NOT invite me?" She's like "Well, it was kinda a last minute thing..." BS! Everyone managed to make it, even those friends who live FAR away! So I said, "well, that's kinda not an excuse, you should've at least extended an invitation." She's like "this isn't the time to discuss this...let's talk about this sometime when I'm not drunk."
And that for me was the straw that broke the camel's back. I went from having a big group of friends to having no REAL friends. Everyone treats me like sh!t, when I've done nothing but be a good friend and honest person. Immediately following that conversation, FI and I left. Didn't take any pictures...just went home. And I cried the whole way home and went right to bed.
I feel so alone. Apparently, I'm extremely abnormal in the way I handle people and situations. I'm very direct, very honest, and I don't do "fake". I do things based on how they SHOULD be handled, not based on what's most convienient for me.
I'm really hurt, really angry, and feel like I wasted money buying a dress and tickets to this event...only to be treated like garbage by my "friends".
I feel like a freak. I handle things oddly apparently. No one wants to be my friend. I feel alone and overwhelmed by everything that's transpired within the last month and extremely depressed. I don't even know what to do.