Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

A message from The Knot

To our community,

Recently some very disturbing photos containing child pornography were posted to our galleries for member-submitted photos.  We removed these photos promptly after discovery, but we know that some members viewed them before removal and we apologize if you saw them.  You should know that we’re taking all possible steps to prevent this from happening again.  We’re also working with the law enforcement community to make sure the person behind this gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


As you know, we deeply value our community of members on The Knot, and so it’s very important to us that you feel safe on our message boards, in the galleries and all of the other community sections of the site.  These are open forums, so we look to our members to help us maintain the spirit of community -- you should feel 100% comfortable to alerting us to activity like this.  (You can write to one of our employee moderators or  Thank you to the members who already did that for this incident.


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