So we all know that I am in a LDR - Missouri to Louisiana. Obviously my FI and I want to get this relocation ball rolling, so I've been applying for jobs down there sporadically - I haven't gotten TOO serious on the job hunt because I'm waiting for my house to sell....but figure I might as well see what happens.
Anyways, I guess yesterday it hit me like a brick wall...that I am REALLY moving to a whole new state!! Yes, it is something I've always wanted to do - pack up and relocate; but now that it's here... I can't believe it! I'm not worried about leaving Missouri, because I honestly don't have much of a family that I'll be leaving behind, but I will definitely miss my job and co-workers. I'm wondering, for those of you who have relocated like this - how did you get through it? Did you find a new job BEFORE you actually moved or did you just pick up and move? I have definitely decided that I won't move until I have another job lined up - I am just way to terrified of not working!
Phew...okay.. I feel better now, I just needed to get that out!
Oh, btw, I'm getting ready to make another trip down in 7 days!! Thaaank goodness!