Who loves spring cleaning?
Me? Not so much. I mean, I like the results, but actually getting there is a pain in the butt! Last spring I had just moved in, so I didn't really have to do anything. I did some tidying in the fall, but now it's really time to whip this place back into shape.
We have over a year's worth of crap taking over our small storage spaces, and some very dusty window treatments and dirty windows to match (among other things). I have today off, so I'm going to start tackling it. Ugh. To make it a bit less painful, I present to you a poll:
Do you spring clean?
If so, do you enjoy the process?
What is number 1 at the top of your list to get done (or have you done it already)? Other things you hope to accomplish as well?
Any tips to share with the rest of us?