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Spring Cleaning Poll

Who loves spring cleaning?

Me? Not so much. I mean, I like the results, but actually getting there is a pain in the butt! Last spring I had just moved in, so I didn't really have to do anything. I did some tidying in the fall, but now it's really time to whip this place back into shape. 

We have over a year's worth of crap taking over our small storage spaces, and some very dusty window treatments and dirty windows to match (among other things). I have today off, so I'm going to start tackling it. Ugh. To make it a bit less painful, I present to you a poll:

Do you spring clean? 

If so, do you enjoy the process?

What is number 1 at the top of your list to get done (or have you done it already)? Other things you hope to accomplish as well?

Any tips to share with the rest of us?
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Re: Spring Cleaning Poll

  • edited December 2011
    Do you spring clean?
    yes, I spring clean...  I actually do a big clean once a season.  I have extremely bad allergies so I have to really keep up on it!

    If so, do you enjoy the process?
    for the most part, yes!  the one thing I DON'T like is dusting because of my allergies.  I have to wear a face mask the whole time so I can breathe and it's very uncomfortable!

    What is number 1 at the top of your list to get done (or have you done it already)?  Other things you hope to accomplish as well?
    hmmm...  well since I'm moving in July to our new house (YAY!) pretty much everything!  I have to get everything packed and cleaned and moved out by the wedding.  I guess the number 1 thing is obviously packing, and then cleaning the walls and floors and bathrooms mostly.  since FI is living in the house right now, I'm also trying to spring clean that...  he has been doing fix-its for me and has already started the lawn and mopping floors/cleaning the bathrooms. 

    Any tips to share with the rest of us?
    not really...  but if anyone has any tips on how to reduce dust I'd really appreciate it!
  • Beads921Beads921 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Do you spring clean? Why yes, I do.
    If so, do you enjoy the process?Well, I like getting it done, but I don't love doing it. I'm all suited up and ready to go right now - over-sized t-shirt, ratty track pants, and my new hikers (to break them in). It's a beautiful sight. BF will be doing some of it as well, but he's not home ATM.
    What is number 1 at the top of your list to get done (or have you done it already)? Other things you hope to accomplish as well?I'm tackling the bathroom cupboards first, as a way to ease myself into it. Number one thing I really want to get done is organizing the front closet, our major storage cupboard in the kitchen, and our external storage locker. The entire apartment needs an overhaul though. 
    Any tips to share with the rest of us?I find making a list makes it more manageable, and easier to work on realistic, bite-sized chunks at a time. That's my strategy. Then again, I make lists for everything.
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  • lmwilberlmwilber member
    edited December 2011
    Beads, Ember turned me on to this great site for people who were born without the 'man I love to clean' gene, called  Very awesome site for helping busy people tackle the day to day stuff, so that the big stuff doesn't seem to big!
    The best tip I learned on there is to pick one task (ie clean window), set a timer for 15 and have at it. When the timer goes off, I take a 5- 10 min break, then continue or pick something new. It seems like it would be more time consuming then just cleaning, but it helps stave off procrastination (its only 15 min!) and it keeps me from getting side tracked or overwhelmed.
    As for spring cleaning, I try to do it every year, even though I really hate cleaning. This year I'm getting very organized, and BF and I are getting rid of a lot of junk that we just don't need anymore. I have no idea how two people with a limited income acquire so much freaking crap :) But its all being donated or sold at a yard sale this summer (with the money going into our vacation fund!!)

    Happy Cleaning!!
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  • DanieKADanieKA member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Do you spring clean? 
    I 'spring pick up what's on the floor'. I wouldn't call it cleaning. I do tend to straighten up, but there's no deep cleaning process involved. 
    If so, do you enjoy the process?
    I don't mind cleaning some things, but I wish I could hire a cleaning lady for the parts i don't like. In fact, I've been thinking about this more and more. If I saved up for a cleaning lady twice a year, that would be AMAZING! Maybe once in April and once in September. Even if she only did the kitchen and the bathrooms. A deep, deep clean of those areas would do a world of good. 
    Wait...what was the question?
    What is number 1 at the top of your list to get done (or have you done it already)? Other things you hope to accomplish as well?
    I actually tend to clean out my closet and donate unused clothes. My house is still a mess, but the act of purging my closet is number 1 for me. 
    Any tips to share with the rest of us?
    I have a question, too! Does anyone use a cleaning person? I have friends that have one come every two weeks, and that's just not in the cards for me, but seasonally I might be able to swing. Is it worth the cost? Generally what do they do? Is this just me being spoiled? Please share. 
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to Spring Cleaning Poll:
    Who loves spring cleaning?

    Do you spring clean? 
    Yes...I usually have a big cleaning effort at least 2x a year.

     If so, do you enjoy the process?
    Mostly. It can be a lot of work - but it is so worth the effort. I am not a pack rat at all, so that really helps the amount of effort I have to put in.

    What is number 1 at the top of your list to get done (or have you done it already)?
    I want to get my guest room back in shape. I haven't had anyone visiting since the holidays, so it's sort of become a dumping ground for things I do not want to deal with.

    Other things you hope to accomplish as well?
    Re-organize my laundry room.

    Any tips to share with the rest of us?
    Collapsible linen baskets! They're the best!! I use them in my bathroom closet and have them labeled: hair stuff, cleaning supplies, medical supplies, Beauty Products. I also use them in my laundry room: Cleaning Supplies, Laundry Supplies, Cat toys...and in my guest bedroom closet for gift wrapping: Gift Bags, Bows/Ribbons, Tools, Paper. They really help to organize...and it keeps my shelves looking tidy.
  • SKP82SKP82 member
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I've never done the "Spring cleaning" thing before, but am going to do so this year (since we have own our house now).  I started noticing little things that build up over the year and it's bugging me, so I started the list of what needs to be done last night.  So far, I have:

    -Clean shelves and drawers in refrigerator
    -Dust fans and light fixtures
    -Purge closet
    -Clean out pantry
    -Cabinets, inside and out, kitchen and bathrooms
    -Laundry room
    -Windows (inside and out)

    I really want to get rid of a bunch of crap, too, and just organize some things.  I can't decide if we should just get it done all in one weekend or focus on a couple of things each weekend.  I think it would get done more thoroughly if there were only a couple of tasks to complete vs. doing everything on the list.

    "Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make life so, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, drop a jar of applesauce." - Natalie Goldberg
  • heyimbrenheyimbren member
    edited December 2011
    Do you spring clean? 
    I don't spring clean, as much as I sporadically purge throughout the year. This tends to happen more during prime procrastination periods, like exam time.

    If so, do you enjoy the process?
    I actually do, when I'm in the mood for it. It's very satisfying.

    What is number 1 at the top of your list to get done (or have you done it already)? Other things you hope to accomplish as well?
    I have to finish getting my room sorted and cleaned out. I started renovating it a couple years ago and I never finished those finishing touches. But I need to get rid of some stuff before I can do that.

    Any tips to share with the rest of us
  • Beads921Beads921 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    lmwilber - I'm pretty good with the day-to-day stuff. I tidy up every morning, and BF and I do the basic cleaning (vacuuming, cleaning the sinks and counters, cleaning the toilet, light dusting, etc) once per week. I've heard of the FLYlady though. While I think it's a fabulous idea, I think she would bug me since I already have a routine of my own.

    DanieKA - My Mom used to have a cleaning lady come once every 2 weeks when we were kids. Then for a while she had one coming once a month, and then a couple of times a year. The cleaning lady would do whatever was needed, and if there was something my Mom specifically wanted done, she'd do that as well. I think if you really hate cleaning, it's probably worth it. I think if I had a larger living space, I might consider one twice a year to really get everything sparkling again. 
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  • DanieKADanieKA member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Thanks beads! Since it's just me in my place now, I'm not sure it's worth it, but when I start to get ready to sell or when BF and I have a house, it would be well worth it a few times a year. 

    Yeah, I don't think I like cleaning all that much. Ha!
  • peekaboo2011peekaboo2011 member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 250 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Do you spring clean? 

    I spring pack.

    If so, do you enjoy the process?

    It's the most miserable process of my life.  Especially this year, because I actually have to pack in a way that makes sense.  Not "Oh, let's just throw everything in a random order because I'm going to unpack it exactly the same way in 4 months"

    What is number 1 at the top of your list to get done (or have you done it already)? Other things you hope to accomplish as well?

    I have to go through everything once I get home.  This is going to be especially painful if I get my internship and have to be in FL on May 16, since I'll get home May 8.  Once I get through all my stuff, I have FI's stuff to start going through as well.  If I don't get this internship, we are going to be the most organized couple in the WORLD.

    Any tips to share with the rest of us?

    Don't double book yourself and not know until it's too late.  When you're actually working on cleaning though, uhm, dust then vacuum?
    I french with my man
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Spring Cleaning Poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Spring Cleaning Poll : Who loves spring cleaning? Me! Do you spring clean?  Yes...I usually have a big cleaning effort at least 2x a year.  If so, do you enjoy the process? Mostly. It can be a lot of work - but it is so worth the effort. I am not a pack rat at all, so that really helps the amount of effort I have to put in. What is number 1 at the top of your list to get done (or have you done it already)? I want to get my guest room back in shape. I haven't had anyone visiting since the holidays, so it's sort of become a dumping ground for things I do not want to deal with. Other things you hope to accomplish as well? Re-organize my laundry room. Any tips to share with the rest of us? <strong>Collapsible linen baskets! They're the best!! I use them in my bathroom closet and have them labeled: hair stuff, cleaning supplies, medical supplies, Beauty Products. I also use them in my laundry room: Cleaning Supplies, Laundry Supplies, Cat toys...and in my guest bedroom closet for gift wrapping: Gift Bags, Bows/Ribbons, Tools, Paper. They really help to organize...and it keeps my shelves looking tidy.</strong>
    Posted by allusive007[/QUOTE]

    Do you have a link for these by any chance?!  I want to see what these look like! They sound like they would come in handy around here :)
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  • edited December 2011
    A guy is cleaning my bathroom right now. AND IT'S NOT MY FIANCE!!!! AHHH!!

    I'm spoiled. Now I just wish he'd do the kitchen.
    When you love someone, you can tell. When you're in love with someone, everyone else can tell.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:e3a323d5-faeb-464b-b9ef-7408919b23cfPost:51280067-3995-4da6-99e4-3c919fb34a75">Re: Spring Cleaning Poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Spring Cleaning Poll : Do you have a link for these by any chance?!  I want to see what these look like! They sound like they would come in handy around here :)
    Posted by AJesteram[/QUOTE]

    Sure! Here are some pics. I prefer the ones you can label so I know what's in them and BF puts things in the right places! You can find them at the Container Store or Bed Bath & Beyond...but i've found them for less $$ at Wal-Mart or Big Lots.

    <a href="" title="Click to view a larger photo" onclick="return gSiteLife.LoadForumPage('ForumImage', 'plckPhotoId', 'ec93c492-4833-4dfc-b724-799ec3339c76', 'plckRedirectUrl', gSiteLife.EscapeValue(window.location.href));" class="PhotoLink"><img src="" alt="" /></a>
    <a href="" title="Click to view a larger photo" onclick="return gSiteLife.LoadForumPage('ForumImage', 'plckPhotoId', '37d921c8-9bcf-4bfa-864f-319813d0a557', 'plckRedirectUrl', gSiteLife.EscapeValue(window.location.href));" class="PhotoLink"><img src="" alt="" /></a>

    <a href="" title="Click to view a larger photo" onclick="return gSiteLife.LoadForumPage('ForumImage', 'plckPhotoId', 'a337d908-3cec-4167-9809-0c7c21ac6be9', 'plckRedirectUrl', gSiteLife.EscapeValue(window.location.href));" class="PhotoLink"><img src="" alt="" /></a>
  • edited December 2011
    Do you spring clean? 
    I clean every season or so, but I skipped winter this year which mean it'll be a little extra work now! 

    If so, do you enjoy the process?
    I do, it helps me forget the problems that I may have had before and start fresh and new.  It's sort of therapeutic in a way!   

    What is number 1 at the top of your list to get done (or have you done it already)? Other things you hope to accomplish as well?
    I'm a plastic grocery bag hoarder, I always think I'm going to use them for something and never do but can't bring myself to throw them out.  I think I'm going to find a place to recycle them soon. 

    Any tips to share with the rest of us?
    I'm incredibly allergic to dust, to the point of breaking out into hives if it touches my skin, so I start by cleaning out my closet and grabbing a big old sweat shirt, then I use a mask and rubber gloves and do the entire house top to bottom in one sweep.  It's a lot of work all at once but then you can do your other cleaning/organizing without the worry. 
    Daisypath Vacation tickers 4 Leaf Clover
  • Beads921Beads921 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Spring Cleaning Poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Spring Cleaning Poll : Sure! Here are some pics. I prefer the ones you can label so I know what's in them and BF puts things in the right places! You can find them at the Container Store or Bed Bath & Beyond...but i've found them for less $$ at Wal-Mart or Big Lots.
    Posted by allusive007[/QUOTE]

    <div>BF and I considered buying a whole whack-load of those (at Home Depot, actually) when we were trying to figure out how we were going to make all of our stuff fit in the same amount of space my stuff alone had been occupying. The problem was we didn't really have the shelves on which to put them (complaint number 457 about this place: lack of storage space). I definitely see them being really useful in a closet in the future (when our closets are normal closet sized, not more appropriately sized for dwarves), and in office book cases. Or under the bathroom sink in place of the box made out of scrap plywood.</div>
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Spring Cleaning Poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]...I'm incredibly allergic to dust, to the point of breaking out into hives if it touches my skin, so I start by cleaning out my closet and grabbing a big old sweat shirt, then I use a mask and rubber gloves and do the entire house top to bottom in one sweep.  It's a lot of work all at once but then you can do your other cleaning/organizing without the worry. 
    Posted by Sparrow87[/QUOTE]

    me too!!  only it mostly affects my respiratory system.  I don't have to wear gloves, but I do wear long sleeves and a mask.  and I ususally have to use my inhaler for a few days after.  so glad to know I'm not the only one.
  • MidniteRaeMidniteRae member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Do you spring clean? Not usually, but this year we need to. We need to fully clean the house and get rid of a bunch of stuff before we move. 
    If so, do you enjoy the process?
    I hate cleaning. I'm sure Josh would love it.
    What is number 1 at the top of your list to get done (or have you done it already)?  Other things you hope to accomplish as well?
    Our number 1 thing was the clean the carpets in the two spare rooms. Specifically the one with the snake skin and piss on the floor because roommate let his 8 foot snake shed, piss, and slither on the carpet after we told him not too. Josh got that done last week while I was at work. His(roommate) old room(not the snake room) got turned into my writing room. I'm hoping to go through all my papers and convert some of my writings in my notebooks and journals. 
    Any tips to share with the rest of us?
    Listening to music helps.
    "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." -Ray Bradbury 
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:e3a323d5-faeb-464b-b9ef-7408919b23cfPost:1eb5255d-b155-4f4a-af1b-ae9e02f0b48a">Re: Spring Cleaning Poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Spring Cleaning Poll : BF and I considered buying a whole whack-load of those (at Home Depot, actually) when we were trying to figure out how we were going to make all of our stuff fit in the same amount of space my stuff alone had been occupying. The problem was we didn't really have the shelves on which to put them (complaint number 457 about this place: lack of storage space). I definitely see them being really useful in a closet in the future (when our closets are normal closet sized, not more appropriately sized for dwarves), and in office book cases. Or under the bathroom sink in place of the box made out of scrap plywood.
    Posted by Beads921[/QUOTE]

    Yeah, you do have to have somewhere to put the baskets. I am fortunate to have lots of storage room in my condo - which is a great help. I did do them in the cabinet above my desk and under my sinks as you have cabinets anywhere? If not, maybe somewhere you could put a bookshelf like you mentioned?

    <a href="" title="Click to view a larger photo" onclick="return gSiteLife.LoadForumPage('ForumImage', 'plckPhotoId', 'ee53b9a3-5dc9-487a-b643-e27d5987462c', 'plckRedirectUrl', gSiteLife.EscapeValue(window.location.href));" class="PhotoLink"><img src="" alt="" /></a>
  • Beads921Beads921 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Spring Cleaning Poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Spring Cleaning Poll : Yeah, you do have to have somewhere to put the baskets. I am fortunate to have lots of storage room in my condo - which is a great help. I did do them in the cabinet above my desk and under my sinks as you have cabinets anywhere? If not, maybe somewhere you could put a bookshelf like you mentioned?
    Posted by allusive007[/QUOTE]

    <div>Ya. For now, our stuff is fairly under control. We got by with boxes under the sink in the kitchen, a couple of sets of awful plastic drawers, and a $50 book case. </div><div>
    </div><div>We do have a decent sized storage locker next door (everyone in the building has one), and it needs some major organization before something catastrophic happens (like one of our extra TVs or printers hitting the floor). If I can find some of those little bins for cheap enough, they might find a home on the shelving in there.</div>
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  • edited December 2011
    Do you spring clean?
    Yes.  I have random cleaning spurts throughout the year.  I am home alone all day during my spring break, so I'll be doing a lot of cleaning.

    If so, do you enjoy the process?
    I have to be in a mood to clean.  Usually if I am home alone and have had coffee, I'm good to go.

    What is number 1 at the top of your list to get done (or have you done it already)? Other things you hope to accomplish as well?
    Vacuum the cobwebs from the corners.. check
    Putting out Spring decor.. check
    Clean out all closets and the pantry
    Clean up the backyard.. pick up all sticks and burn in the firepit.. check
    Clean out the garage
    (Late Spring) Pack away winter clothes, pull out summer clothes, and donate anything I haven't worn this season.
    I'm sure there's more.

    Any tips to share with the rest of us?
    Turn up the music and drink lots of coffee.. that's what works for me! Wink
    LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I started some cleaning this week, it hasn't been fun. I've been trying to clean all of those weird spots I've been avoiding for months (like, behind the TV).  FI and I decided to throw a party at our place tomorrow though, so that got my butt into gear pretty quick. It helps when you have the social pressure to clean.

    The biggest thing I need to get to is my give away and sell pile. I really want to start going through our stuff and freecycling or selling the stuff we don't use/need.

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Spring Cleaning Poll</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Spring Cleaning Poll : Sure! Here are some pics. I prefer the ones you can label so I know what's in them and BF puts things in the right places! You can find them at the Container Store or Bed Bath & Beyond...but i've found them for less $$ at Wal-Mart or Big Lots.
    Posted by allusive007[/QUOTE]

    Thank you!
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