I hate this time of the semester. I've got so much going on, it's a matter of when am I going to miss something, not if. I'm teaching 7 classes at 3 universities this semester. Now, the 3 universities want to bump me up to 9 classes in the fall. My dissertation is being ignored because I'm gone all the time. I figured out that I'm driving nearly 1,000 miles a week to work at these 3 universities. I need the money, so it's hard to turn down the classes.
Everyone expects me to finish my dissertation in May 2012. Well, that is impossible if I'm not currently working on it. I told FI I'd finally have time to work on it in January, 2012 because I'll be moving and won't have a job. My advisor told me once I'm married and move away, I'll never finish. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Sorry I haven't been around much, I've been trying to catch up on posts. Have I missed anything good in the past week or 2?
~~December 3, 2011~~