Hi girls. I have been with my partner for 10 years. We have been "engaged to be engaged" for about 5 years. It's basically been a money thing. I'm from New Zealand, and here you are not considered engaged until you have a ring.
We have always just found "better" things to spend our money on (overseas holidays, saving for a house etc)
Well some of you may know that Christchurch has been hit by a bad earthquake. I have lost my business, and we no longer want to buy a house here! (not for a couple or years at least)
So now we are left with a lot of "spare money" (house deposit, insurance from business) and all of a sudden now we can afford my "dream ring" it seems crazy crazy to spend so much money, I would much rather keep it in savings.
I have decided I want a "fake" diamond (for many reasons), and spend around $1000 instead of $8,000 - $10,000 like I always thought. My question is do any of you ladies have "fake" diamonds? The ring I have decided I like, if it was real, would be about $15,000, with a 2ct centre stone. I want my friends and family to think its "real", is that bad? Because of our situation, we could afford the ring I like, in real diamonds.... But I could never spend that amount of money, now that we have it.
Even though I want people to think it's real, I am worried about lying to people. Any advice from Brides with "fake diamonds" and how they deal with family and firends questions would be much appreciated. And if you all think I'm stupid and a snob for wanting people to think I have a big expensive ring, when I don't, that would be great too!