Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Question about WP walking down the aisle?

I've seen so many different ways that the wedding party walks down the aisle.
-Just the groom up front, whole wedding party walks together
-Groom and Bestman upfront, MOH walks alone, rest WP walks together
-All the guys up front, girls walk alone

It's all very confusing. Is there a norm or is it whatever we pick? Help please :)

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Re: Question about WP walking down the aisle?

  • Only twice have I seen all the guys stand at the front and all the girls walk alone, and only once have I seen the MOH be the only one to walk alone.  All the other weddings I've been to, the WP walks down the aisle together.
  • It's really whatever you want.  I don't think there is a right or a wrong way to do it.   
  • I'd do it however you want.

    In all of the weddings I've been in guys entered first and stood up front. The girls walked in solo and the bride/dad came last. At the end of the ceremony, the girls and guys walked as duos down the aisle and the bride/groom came last.

    We are having only a MOH and a BM. BM will walk in first followed by FI. Then my MOH will go and then me. 

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  • As a BM I always prefer walking down with a groomsman -- then I know I won't trip and fall!
  • Whatever you prefer is fine, IMO.

    Might be a location thing, because at weddings in my area of the country I've never seen a GM walk with a BM up the aisle.  The GM are always standing up at the front before the processional begins, the BMs walk up by themselves, and after the wedding they walk back down as couples/in twos.
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  • There's no right or wrong way. The decision should be based on your personal preference and size/configuration of your bridal party. For example, if there's an uneven number of BM and GM, I would have the guys enter separately and girls walk solo.

    We had an even BP, and the GM entered with the groom from the side, and girls walked solo.
  • We had a traditional Catholic Wedding Mass so we walked in in a certain order - parents walked in to light unity candles; then the altar servers, priest, groom, bridal party (we had them walk in together - bridesmaids and groomsmen); then maid of honor/best man; finally the bride. 

    If you're not having a traditional church wedding, I think you can walk in in any order that works best for you and your wedding party.  Good Luck!
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  • I'm planning on having the groom and groomsmen walk in first I guess as kind of a signal that things are starting then the MOHs will walk by themselves.  For some reason thats just how I've always pictured mine but I have also been a bridesmaid in other weddings where I have walked with someone and where I haven't.  It's up to you and what you feel comfortable with.
  • This:
    at weddings in my area of the country I've never seen a GM walk with a BM up the aisle. The GM are always standing up at the front before the processional begins, the BMs walk up by themselves, and after the wedding they walk back down as couples/in twos.
  • Ok! As a wedding planner I have seen so many wedding weather in a church or at a different location. 

    I think the right way of doing it is:
      The groom and best man are in front 

     1. One of the groomman walks the mother of the bride down the aisle if she is   not walking the bride down the aisle.

    2 The parents of the groom walk in

    3 . then the white carpent is brought down the aisle by two groomsman. 

    4. then the wedding party walks in groomsman w/bridesmaids one at a time

    5. if you have flower girls and ring bears they walk in front of the maid/mariton of honor.  then your maid/mariton of honor. 

    6. the the bride and your father or partents
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