I know this is just probably going to float off into cyber space but if I don't get this out I'm going to go crazy. I am getting married it's true but in the process I'm losing my family. My mom is not happy with the person I've chosen. It's been this hard for almost two years now. She thought we would break up and so when the topic of marriage is brought up she blows up. He's a good man and has never treated me unkind. But she will not accept our plan. So I haven't told her my wedding date nor have I discussed any plans. I really haven't talked to her in two weeks. The last time we spoke it was for a few minutes. I don't know how to relate to her anymore. It was alright for a little while, when I lived at home. But I've been in college now(8 hours away) for almost three years. Talking on the phone is completely over now. Eveytime I call we end up fighting. She loves to pick at situations, aggitate me until I can't do anything but scream. My grandmother has taken it upon herself to make my mother understand the way things are going to be. She makes the tension between my mom and I worse because she believes she must tell my mom off. I hate that in the end I'm going to have to choose between the man I love and my family. I don't feel like it's that fairytale romance and that choosing my true love will liberate me from my evil mother though that's how everyone else seems to think. I am an emotional wreck and it's very hard to plan for something this special with this much depression. I loved my mom and for a very long time in my life she was like my best friend. Prayers and guidence are very much appreciated.