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Crappy weekend

So ever have a crappy weekend where you anticipated something different? I was hoping to get away at least one day on our boat. It was taken up by sanding 2 friends decks plus our own. One of the friends him and his wife are so lazy that they messed around almost half a day before starting on their deck. My man had to go and begin the task and did all his top deck and half the bottom. They didn't have anything moved off their decks and were doing that when we got there. My FI was irritated. So we left and had him finish the bottom and of course he did not finish and had to finish on Sunday. Thank God that we and our other friend had smaller decks.When we were over there on Sat I slipped and fell on their steps and landed on my a** and now I can't barely sit down without the pain, which is a b**** as I work has a receptionist and we all know what that entitles sitting on the butt. I hope this day goes by quickly.

Re: Crappy weekend

  • Mine sucked too.  We were going to go see a movie after FI got off of work but then his mom called and said that his dad fell off the roof and broke his back.  Of course I was freaked out and trying to get more info and all she would do was fuss not to come to the hospital and that it was fine then complained about not knowing how she was going to get his perscriptions (she was unsuccessfully trying to drive FFIL's truck) and they were both hungry and she didn't want to leave him to get food.  So I was worrying about him the whole hour drive to the hospital thinking stuff like 'what if he's paralized?',  'did he hit his head too?', 'how far did he fall?' and when I got there the doctor said it was 2 mild fractures and he would be fine in a few weeks.  Still not good that he hurt himself but it's way better than being broken.  So anyway I spent the afternoon picking up perscriptions and when FI got off work we delivered dinner to his parent's house.  I guess it's a good thing he was working above the deck.  He only fell about 8 feet when he could have fallen over 16. 
  • Whew thank the good man upstairs that he didn't that would be scary. Glad to hear that he didn't do any thing critical.
  • hey i had to visit with future in laws as well which by the way were no help when i needed a ride to get a battery...god forbid their car messes up and i get a call...i dont understand people sometimes...oh well..i hope you ladies week turns out better! : )
  • Yes yours as well.
  • My FI got home yesterday from a mountain bike ride and handed me his broken helmet - with the top smashed in.  Apparently he went over the handlebars and landed on top of his head.  And our wedding is in 12 days.  Seriously?  He hasn't crashed that hard in 10 years.  Fortunately the helmet did its job, and he is not hurt.  But now I'm paranoid that something bad is going to happen.
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  • tell him to get that checked out just in case..not trying to alarm you but the way people are hitting their heads these days, i would tell mine to get his checked out.
  • Thanks Shann.  Natasha Richardson has crossed my mind more than once!  She seemed 'fine' after her fall, too.
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  • Scary s***.  Yea have him go and get checked just to keep you from worrying.
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