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NWR: Im a dork, but this makes me happy :)

Hey !! So . . I realize this is going to sound completely lame to some, but oh well. . .My FI bought a house and I now live with him. We're the first couple in the neighborhood (only two houses on the street. . .the other house is the model) and so we took a risk with buying here because there weren't any others in the framing process. . however we felt the builder was being smart by not building a boat load of houses just to have them sit on the property. . anyways. . .theres been a couple interested in getting a house very similar to ours in the lot next to us . . and now there are little pink flaggies all over the lot, so progress of building has started! YAY!I realize this is probably rather jumbled and is a complete ramble, but Im just excited! :)Hope you all are having a great day!
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Re: NWR: Im a dork, but this makes me happy :)

  • That is sooooo exciting!  You should enjoy every moment of it and maybe even take a picture or two!  *even if your FI pokes fun :)
  • In about a year you will be posting about putting up your privacy fence, adding thick shades and blinds to your windows and calling the police every weekend for noise violations...I am just kidding...yay for neighbors!
  • Hahah ! Yeah well, Im already working on the blinds thing, mainly for the bedrooms. . (I LOOOOVE the amount of windows this house has and how open it feels). . we still dont have any. . I've just got curtains up in the master bedroom so that my cooky dog doesnt wake up at the crack of dawn with the sun. . we actually are looking into putting in a fence (not a privacy one though) one of the cute scalloped kind so that the Lucy (cooky dog) can roam free. . .and we have called the police twice already due to people driving to the end of our road at 1am(its about half mile long) stopping there and turning off their headlights for about 10 mins only to leave 1 min before the cops arrive (I called once because I was here alone for a week and got wigged out) wow. . okay so all of that sounds bad, but it really isnt. . we love the area along with the house and are excited about getting neighbors :) We're the dorky couple that wants to make friends with the neighborhood and have cookouts with each other and blockparties for the 4th . . . Its late and I seriously just rambled again, sorry girls... but again Thanks for the positive comments!! :)
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  • I wouldn't worry too much about that, it's an empty area and it's probably dark, I bet it's just some teens parking.You should totally make them cookies.  I wish someone had welcomed us when we moved in.  We still haven't met our neighbors.  They don't even come out of the house.  I think I've seen them 2 times since we moved in last November.  Once when they burned leaves and once when they were flying a kite.
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