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need your opinions...

Hi!My firend is getting married in 2 weeks. She has between 160 to 190, or 200 guests. (They invited over 200, and numbers are still incerasing). She has a great venue that can hold 200. Originally, they were going with a seated buffet dinner reception of a spaghetti/chicken dish and salad etc... Now she wants to change to a standing reception with appox 10 tables (seats 80 to 100ish) and high top tables and room at the bar to stand and eat. I will tell you that I do not like this idea, but I want to know what others think. I am hoping to come around to seeing her POV and how a standing reception with spaghetti is a good choice. Please let me know what you think...spaghetti, standing for so long, where to put your purse downTIA!

Re: need your opinions...

  • just my two cents, but I wouldn't do that for a crowd that large.  with spaghetti sauce.  might start to feel like a cluster . . . and nowhere to set your stuff down, etc.  maybe ok if she was having < 75 people, but not 200.
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  • I don't like standing receptions in general.  Standing in high heels for more than an hour gets very uncomfortable, very quickly.  She needs to have a chair for every butt that's going to be at the reception (not just 80-100).  Throw spaghetti sauce into the equation and you have the recipe for disaster.   Finger foods are much more appropriate for this type of reception.Honestly, I don't think I'd be staying very long at this reception.
  • I think it's rude to not provide your guests with seating, no matter what you're asking them to eat.  I wouldn't have a problem with a spaghetti dinner, though.
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    And betrothed, I'm disgusted with most of the comments that you have posted. I don't think I've ever read such judgmental comments in my life. I'm so lucky that the girls I speak to on theknot are nothing like you...I would've never come on here for ADVICE if I would've encountered a big a bitch as you. I genuinely feel awful for your children or your future children, and I think it would be irresponsible of YOU not to invest in their future therapy sessions starting now. Because trust me when I tell you honey, they're gonna need it. ~jcaruncho2010
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  • Well, hopefully she's not over capacity.  If that's the case, your friend is SOL.Every person at your friend's wedding needs a chair.  It doesn't need to be a plated dinner (can be stations that add up to a full meal) but she MUST make sure that each person has a place to sit.Otherwise she may find that she has fewer guests than she originally anticipated...
  • Stagemanager*- Lol! thanks!  I think spagehtti is a big factor here. That is definately a "table food". Plus, she sent out her invitations already and it is too late to switch to an all out cocktail-h'd reception. Thanks everyone! Valid points (esp. standing on heels all night and leaving early!)
  • Spaghetti at a wedding kind of scares me in general. But it would be so much worse without enough seating. I can't imagine having only enough seats for half the guests.
    He pretty much had me at "hello".
    -- PS I agree with whatever Jeana said --
  • I think making people stand while eating spagetti is a great way to get those guests to leave early
  • If she does this, people WILL leave early.
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  • I would have to say that would be a big No, if your serving food you need to have chairs and tablesfpr your guests to sit at. I am not one to attend a reception and have to put a plate in my lap.
  • Ditto PP - people will leave early.   Woe to the bride that conceives of the movie-style cocktail party for the entire reception - where people are standing and mingling.  Ultimately what happens is people are afraid to get up and lose their seat - they feel uncomfortable all the way around and just leave. 
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