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Anyone have a great weekend?

My weekend sucked.Annyone actually have any fun or happiness this weekend?

Re: Anyone have a great weekend?

  • My bday is Tuesday so I celebrated with friends this weekend. One took me out to dinner Friday night, then DH & another friend and I did a scavenger hunt in the city on Saturday, then met another friend and her boyfriend for dinner and I got toasted on margaritas. Hung out 'til about 2 a.m. Took it easy today, went & got new fish & corals for the tank, and generally relaxed. Why'd your weekend suck?
  • I worked all weekend but it wasn't too bad. My future in-laws are here for the week now. I feel a little better now that theyre on my turf. . . Why'd your weekend suck?? You know, I bet you'll have an amazing week because of it!!   P.s. Your kitty pic is uber cute!
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  • I introduced two single friends to each other on friday night, she got drunk out of her mind, spent the whole night hanging off bar security staff,  fell flat on her face in my Kitchen, broke one of my favourite wine glasses (more amused than annoyed though), threw red wine up our white walls, told our other guest "she wouldn't normally sleep with him because he was a loser but fancied a S**g and was he up for it?" Oh she also finished every sentence with Mother F*****She was generally mental all night (did I mention, he's a Psychologist). I had to wrestle the left over red wine off of her after her 2nd glass because she was supposed to be driving. Then she pranced around our Garden in a pair of cycling leggings (my BF's), a Cowboy hat and a showgirl costume I was donating to the charity shop. (You seriously couldn't make this up!)I spent yesterday repainting our Kitchen.He thought she was intriguing and they spent the whole day together???? Thank God as my BF was not amused at all!So, my weekend was eventful to say the least!And no I won't ever be playing match maker again
  • I had a fabulous weekend!  My bachelorette party was Saturday night and then I had my bridal shower on Sunday.  I saw so many family and friends and got to catch up on things I've been out of the loop on!  Sorry yours sucked! Hopefully your week is better!
  • Well not sure I could classify it as fun..but productive...I got all my homework done and just need to do the project(due Wednesday), cleaned the entryway and hallway baseboards...and David's mother came over WHILE I was in the middle of cleaning. I don't care if she lives 2 1/2 hours away and we don't see her often...I *asked* you if Saturday was ok for my parents to come help us paint/clean/whatever and you said yes! So do I find it unacceptable that you left for FIVE hours because it was your dad's birthday party? Yes. 2 is more acceptable...not 5 PLUS the hour your mother was here. And yes it is ALL your fault for not saying something. This weekend was a little stressful for me if you couldn't tell heh.
  • Dsouldiva that's a crazy story! I can't believe your guy friend actually was interested in all that.  It reminds me of that old movie Blind Date with Bruce Willis. Anyhoo my weekend was so/so.  Our car died.  Bought a shiny new one.  Had to bail on some plans because of it though.
    TTC since 07/11 Me: 32 AO PCOS/DH: 32 Lowish count/motility IUI#1-3 = BFN (Clomid, Clomid-->Femara, Injects) IVF#1 ER on 9/24 19 ER/19 M/9 F w/ICSI Transferred a 5AA and a 5BB on 9/29 Beta 10/9 = 139 Beta 10/11 = 287
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  • I can hardly move today because we were packing all weekend. Anna that picture you posted made me smile, so, thanks for that.
  • Anna, no way you could tell her, "Thanks, anyway, but 8/4 won't work for me. I really appreciate the offer, but I guess I just won't take the bulbs"?
  • My weekend sucked, too.  We had a yard sale on Saturday and only made like $200 and didn't get rid of any of the big stuff that's taking up our house.  Then  when we were putting the stuff that didn't sell back in the basement, I fell down the stairs and sprained my ankle something awful.  I spent the rest of the weekend on the couch with an ice pack playing Super Mario 3. 
  • Oh no Heels!  That sucks. How long will it take to heal?
    TTC since 07/11 Me: 32 AO PCOS/DH: 32 Lowish count/motility IUI#1-3 = BFN (Clomid, Clomid-->Femara, Injects) IVF#1 ER on 9/24 19 ER/19 M/9 F w/ICSI Transferred a 5AA and a 5BB on 9/29 Beta 10/9 = 139 Beta 10/11 = 287
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  • I'm not sure.  I was able to stay off it all day Saturday and Sunday, and that helped a lot.  I'm in an air cast now so I'm able to walk around.  I don't think I'll be able to get back in the gym for a week or 2 though, which is a huge bummer because I was making a lot of progress towards my fitness goals.
  • FI bought us a puppy and I'm using every opportunity to show her off :)  We actually can't have her until after the 11th... Meet Mia [IMG]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/IMG]
  • If by great you mean staying up until midnight friday baking cupcakes for FI's grandmother's birthday party, and having to toss batch after batch for some unknown baking-god curse, then meeting all of his extended family while wearing brand new heels (and not being able to snag a chair) for HOURS, where there was NO hootch, then yeah, it was a riot. I am still exhausted. I like the kitty...
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