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my brother's girlfriend #2

okay so I wrote a post a while ago about my brother Gf and how she was being so rude to my FI and I. I've asked her so many times how she was doing and if everything was okay with her at home and with my brother. And she said everything was really good. We use to be really close and she knows she could tell me anything. Well it turns out she went to the Emergency Room on the 22 early in the morning for horrible cramps. It turns out she was in labor! she had no idea she was even preg. she was full term! the baby was born that night, she had a little boy, named Sean. My brother's so happy. I am so thankful that the baby and my bro's Gf is healthy and that there was no complications. God had really blessed this baby.

Re: my brother's girlfriend #2

  • YIKES.  How scary!  I'm glad your brother is happy.  Maybe you can blame the mood on the pregnancy and you guys can be close again!  I think I remember your original post actually.  Crazy turn of events.  Congrats auntie Jessica. 
  • Good lord, I hope you and your family aren't real...
  • salt78salt78 member
    Every single person I have seen on that show clearly was absent the day that brains were handed out. I'm beginning to think the same is true of the OP and her family.
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  • Oh, please. Not true. Salt - your FI looks cute in your new signature!
  • Be careful Salt.  Knot Annie might come into this thread too and tell people to be nicer.
  • Im overweight and I cant imagine not realizing I was preggers for the whole 9 months most of the women on the TLC show are BSC!  If the OP is true  I doubt somebody would still have a full period all 9 months and not fell kicking or something.
  • Salt I don't know where you come off insulting me and my family. You don't know anything about me. I am blown away at how down right rude and bitchy some of you girls are. This is a important time for my family and all some of you could do is make jokes about it. I guess I'm stupid and I act like I'm 15 because I just dont get it. I wanted to share this with other people and all everyone could say is, "Oh i hope your not real". give me a break you girls need to grow up!
  • How could you not find this a little ridiculous?
  • She does not find this silly as she is a troll. Ok come on either your brother is dating someone who is so clueless that she had a baby moving inside her for 3 months to the point of physically poking her skin visably outward and thought nothing much was going on. Or she lied to your brother . Or she is is denial and has mental health issues. Or your nephew is so physically ill that he was not moving and is near death. Or this is a made up insanity. For your case I trully and deeply hope you are a troll
  • That story sounds curiously bizarre and very coincidental to the TLC show I watched recently.  Just the other night there was a woman on there that took the pill the during her entire pregnancy...the similarities are uncanny.  Also, like most women on that show, they blame not knowing on their heavier weight, and to me that is upsurd! Can someone really be that disconnected from their body to not know for 9 months that something was GROWING inside of them?! Odd.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • JessicaJennings, salt really is a mean ol' biitch. Don't let her get to you!!!!!!111!!!!!1!11!!!! But don't tell her I said that since Pepper is her god-child now!!!!11!!!!!1!!!!
  • Jessicajennings- I am blown away at how down right rude and bitchy some of you girls are.I understand that the comments received may have seemed harsh in your eyes, but what I don't understand is if you believe they are rude and bitchy then stop coming back and feeding things further.  You received comments you were not happy with on your last thread, yet you posted another right after that.  Maybe consider another forum that is more suitable to you.  Not being rude, just being honest.... you can't be upset by comments made on here when you keep coming back for more.  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • you girls need to grow up! I'm not thinking we're the ones who need to grow up.
  • JessicaJennings-you sure are whiny
    Kailyn Jean Born August 6, 2011 (3w6d early) imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Planning Bio
  • And let me add that I love when ffmaid gets sassy and stern.
  • Made up drama
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  • haha this is so funny.. yeah you all caught me, my life is just some made up story i got all my ideas from a tv show.. and i make all this stuff up to just entertain you women, with my fake life. hey im not even a real person, i'm just some computer virus that does this at every blog forum. darn all my fun is over!    JUST KIDDING the unfortunate truth is that this is my life. and i am a real person an it is this strange. and my brother's gf is a dumby and she was preg and claims she didnt know.  trust me when i say i do wish this was MUD
  • I will give her the credit that there ARE documented cases of people not knowing they are pregnant and carrying the baby to term. I don't know why they don't notice but it can happen. Whether this thread is MUD or not I don't know.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Love is like infinity: You can't have more or less infinity, and you can't compare two things to see if they're "equally infinite." Infinity just is, and that's the way I think love is, too.
    Fred Rogers
  • aggie thats my point. thats what the show is about. real live cases of that. The reason I think its MUD is bc I dont know one single person that if that had happened to them or someone they knew, would rush out and post it on a forum that they were brand spankin new to.Thats a little odd to me. not tryin to make waves, just sayin'... odds are its mud
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  • well im not new to this site i just dont have time to post alot. i wrote this post because i've been having problems with my bro's gf and i had written a previous post about it. now that i know her bad attitude was probably because of the hormones i thought it was a interesting string of events. and maybe would help other women, become more aware that these freak things do happen.
  • With some of the stuff that's been seen on this board, you can't blame people for being suspicious about such a wierd story that seemingly comes out of nowhere.  I know I'm still doubting it. 
  • "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!" You're reply made me happy :)
  • So my DH's best friend's current girlfriend had this "supposedly" happen to her. I'm a skeptic though. I just can't see being pregnant for 9 months and not knowing something was up. Even if you didn't think you were pregnant, don't you think you would have some symptoms that would alert you something wasn't quite right in your body? She finally went to the hospital because she though her appendix was rupturing when she was actually in labor. My DH and I have gone around and around about this because I think something is not on the up and up with this girl and I don't really believe her story and therefore am not a big fan. DH says I'm being judgmental... but I just can't see this happening to someone with their head on straight. She also continued to smoke and drink through her entire pregnancy, thankfully her child is just fine though.
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