Chit Chat

Not to stick up for the troll, but...

It's actually pretty common to not know you're pregnant.  It's called a denied pregnancy and it's actually more likely to happen than having natural (sans fertility drugs)triplets.Creepy, but ligit.

Re: Not to stick up for the troll, but...

  • But is a "denied pregnancy" the same as not knowing that you're pregnant? The term "denied pregnancy" suggests to me that there were signs/symptoms of pregnancy that the mother chose to ignore or wrote off to something else.
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  • I've personally concluded that I can't watch "I didn't know I was pregnant" before bedtime.
  • I've actually known a person that legitimately didn't know she was pregnant.  No weight gain, had periods and gave birth in the bathroom because she thought she needed to poo. I agree, it does happen.
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  • Ditto... I had a friend that was a couple years younger than me that didn't know she was preg until her 7th month. She had baby about a month early. Weird.
  • Tide - I'm not sure why they call it denied per se, but they classify it separately from those who know but pretend it isn't happening. 
  • My sister-in-law didn't know that she was preggers until her 6th month.  Her father pointed out that she gained some weight in her stomach and asked her if she was pregnant.  She denied it and went home and took a pregnancy test, which was positive.  She claims that its normal for her to go a couple months or so without getting her period, she wasn't on bc.
  • Stop freaking me out!
  • There's a whole show on TLC about this, called "I didn't know I was pregnant" and it regularly features women who didn't know they were pregnant until they actually gave birth.  They don't gain weight, get enough bleeding that they think they're having periods, and the babies sit in such a way they can wear normal clothes and don't feel them kicking.  It was on tonight, in fact.
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