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Random Vent.....

Just a random vent on this random topic board........I'm stressed to the max.....I mean I cry over everything.... I can't even decide what to cook for dinner without stressing.....i went out with my friends last night trying to blow off some steam and this is what happens.... I show up, they're already a few drinks in, my best friend who I will call "L" is always confident and aggressive when drinking says, "Did you know "R" (an ex boyfriend) is dating "A" (a girl in her thirties, who acts in her twenties, has 3 kids who don't see their dad, and has also dated another one of my ex's) I say, "No but why would I care".....and she says "I dunno, I just thought you might want to know, since she has 3 kids and he dumped you because he couldn't commit to marriage and kids" what great friends I have.......did she not remember that was a long time ago and i'm now happy and engaged!anyway I just needed to get it off my chest!

Re: Random Vent.....

  • salt78salt78 member
    Wow. That's SUPER nice of her.On opposite day.
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  • Well maybe because you are happy and engaged she thought she could just share this bit of gossip with you.  I'm sure she didn't know you were having a hard time in general.    Sounds like you could use a spa day, massage, a yoga class and some meditation.  Hopefully things get better soon!
  • ::hugs jenny:: Although incredibly rude, just tell yourself that nobody is perfect...And def. try what PP said
  • wow, she sounds like a peach. Hang in there!
  • Wow! Hugs! People amaze me with the things they say I do not understand that at all!  Salt I just have to say I adore you and your outlook you always make me chuckle!    
  • I agree a spa day sounds perfect!  See if you can get your great friend to treat you to it; sounds like she owes you one! lol. . . . I would love a spa day right now but we have far too many expenses going on right now!  I know what have your fiance cook you an awesome home cooked meal and relax (no discussing stressful stuff but a night off) and watch a movie and he can give you a at home message. . . .
  • if this behavior is typical of her, i would probably stop being her friend.  seriously.  i don't have time for ppl like that. 
  • i agree with kinsey..  they arent your real friends if they talk like that to you on a regular basis. i had some friends like that... it was hard to admit it but i finally realised they werent good for me
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