I met my fiancée 2 years ago. Currently I am 34 he is 31. I have two beautiful daughters (10 & 6). When we met I told him I was done having children (had to go through fertility tx with both). And then he was ok with that. Well all the sudden 4 months ago he confesses that he really wants a child with me and his family (on several occasions) has pushed me for a child and particularly a boy because he is the last male in his bloodline.I talked to him about this last night and let him know where I was coming from and it brought him to tears. He really wants a child with me. First there is no guarantee I will even get pg, it took me 5 years for the first and 4 for the 2nd. I am not willing to try that long.....honestly I don't even know if I want to try.I love him very much and I would be devastated to lose him. I have been through divorce and still fight my ex on custody issues. I just don't know what to do. My heart just aches right now. I know he feels the same too. I need your words of wisdom.