Chit Chat

No sleep need energy...

I got no sleep last night and I'm trying to stay awake at work. I've got stuff to do and have no idea how to focus on I've already had starbucks but it's not helping. Anyone know a good energy drink/food? Was thnking of taking a nap during lunch but I think that would make it worse....

Re: No sleep need energy...

  • Whenever I'm exhausted I chew overly minty gum and it helps a bunch.
  • food is nummy.
  • From when I worked overnight and had to stay awake all night, food definately helps.  Nothing heavy though, but something with carbs and protein was always my go to.  My fave was a Chipotle Burrito, the spiciness helped perk up the endorphins too.  With a Mt. Dew to wash it all down.  And music, the heavier and faster the better.  Moving around also helped.If you're that tired, napping won't help, you'll feel groggier when you wake up.  Your body wants to sleep a normal cycle, and it will be unhappy if you don't go through the whole cycle, which I think is something like 90 minutes, maybe more.
  • I use emergen-C packets. Put it in your water and your all set!
    Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
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