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cheapest way possible to do a classy wedding

Hi everyone. Since I've been MIA we have gotten pregnant and canceled the wedding plans we ad made for 160 people. We now are looking to do something much cheaper and a lot smaller. 

The only thing I can come up with is a tent in the parents yard  for the reception. I have a cheap caterer at only $9 per person. And a family member has offered to make cup cakes. 

I can probably get out of the whole day for $5000 this way which I realize is insanely cheap but I would still like it to be cheaper :) any ideas?!!!

If we cut the list down to strictly very close family an friends we would have about 75- 90 people probably compared to 130 but would a tent wedding for such a small group be silly?

Thanks for all your tips. The caterer only has one spot left open in augsut so we've got to decide quick!
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Re: cheapest way possible to do a classy wedding

  • Ditto MilkDuds. You don't NEED to have 75 people there if you're that concerned about costs.

    In any case, I suggest you pay a visit to the Budget Weddings board.
  • Well I guess I should have included that we would reallt love to have the reception feel with dancing and all that but I didn't think about just doing lunch for our closest family. That would definitely be the chepest way!

    My only concern is losing the feel of a wedding day. After lunch, what are we supposed to do... go back home and continue doing every day life? LoL. 
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  • A friend of mine did a 4 pm wedding ceremony with just immediate family and closest friends then took them all out to a nice dinner and went out dancing elsewhere.
  • I ran off and got married by ourselves (so no traditional wedding reception).

    We were already on vacation and had a hotel room already. But we did pictures afterwards for a few hours and then had a nice dinner and then drank champagne in our hotel room. It felt like a wedding day to me.

    You could have a brunch/lunch wedding. Then go to the park or other nice landmark and get some cute pictures (a friend could use their own camera) and then check into a hotel and have a private dinner in the room or dinner in a nice restaurant somewhere else. Or some other cute mini-moon (like a dinner cruise).

    Planning Bio
    Married 9/15/11

    *This is Not Legal Advice*
  • If you like the idea of a tropical paradise, for under $5000 you, your FI, and your baby could all go somewhere in FL and do a secluded beach wedding with the three of you. A lot of places have cheap cheap beach packages. Later, when you have the money, you can come home and have a big reception with all of your family. 
    Give your parents and closest family members the option to fly down to FL, if they dont want to then that's their decision. It seems to me like getting married in a tropical paradise with your baby present would be very memorable though.
  • If we did not have a baby on the way I would love the idea of running off to get married. But I really want my baby boy there and in the pictures and I know my parents would love to be a part of it so getting married in a tropical paradise is unfortunately not an option for us :(

    That does sound fabulous though!!!
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: cheapest way possible to do a classy wedding</a>:
    [QUOTE]I<strong>f we did not have a baby on the way I would love the idea of running off to get married. </strong>But I really want my baby boy there and in the pictures and I know my parents would love to be a part of it so getting married in a tropical paradise is unfortunately not an option for us :( That does sound fabulous though!!!
    Posted by futureMRSDarling2012[/QUOTE]

    <div>I dont understand why he wouldnt be able to be there with you? Thats what I was saying. Going with you, your fiance, your baby, and both sets of parents... Obviously you wouldnt run off and leave your child at home. Bring him with you.</div>
  • I'm curious too. Why not wait a bit longer? How soon after you have the baby do you plan on having the wedding? You might still be adjusting to all the changes.
  • we want to get married so badly because we have been together for nearly 10 years. We've considered waiting will next summer but we just can't see waiting any longer to be married. Plus, I really don't want a huge princess day. We are very simple people that don't see the point in spending thousands and thousands of dollars just to share the same name. Marriage is very important to us but to us, a huge extravagent wedding is a waste of money.

    Our baby is due in April and were trying to plan for an August wedding. I've been around kids my entire life (living in a daycare growing up) really don't think it will take much for me to adjust. 

    We would prefer to not take our 4 month old son with us to a tropical paradise to be married because why spend all that time to go on a basically vaction, just to get up all through the night and never be able to really do what we would want on a vacation. I just don't see that being a good option for us, even though some may see it as a fabulous option!
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  • Do you mind if I ask why you can't just wait a few months or a year to save up money? You could have the big princess day, or still have a small wedding, but could save up for a honeymoon.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: cheapest way possible to do a classy wedding</a>:
    [QUOTE]Well I guess I should have included that we would reallt love to have the reception feel with dancing and all that but I didn't think about just doing lunch for our closest family. That would definitely be the chepest way! My only concern is losing the feel of a wedding day. <strong>After lunch, what are we supposed to do... go back home and continue doing every day life? LoL. </strong>
    Posted by futureMRSDarling2012[/QUOTE]

    <div>Haha, we're doing exactly this.. we're getting married on a weekend between school (delaying our honeymoon until August when we're done our school term), so we'll be going to a hotel after our Saturday morning wedding for one night before going back to OUR apartment and getting ready for Monday morning classes...

    not ideal, but doable (my uncle is a teacher and got married on a weekend in september.. delayed their honeymoon until christmas so he could keep teaching on the monday since teachers can't really just take a week off when they want to)</div>
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