So I just need to vent a little. My wedding is going to be sort of a destination wedding. It's in the same state where basically all of my family is but it's in a big touristy area, and not in the city where I grew up. Knowing this I reserved rooms at a hotel early and because it's at a campground I also reserved cabins early. Now because this place is so popular the campground was only able to hold the cabins until March 1st. Which is understandable. My wedding is August 4, I sent out save the dates in December with all the booking information on in, along with our website. And guess what....ONLY A HANDFUL OF PEOPLE ACTUALLY BOOKED! So now I have heard the campground is really filling up fast, luckily the hotel will hold the rooms until July but still I didn't block off a lot becaus I assumed most people would want to stay where the action was, and so they would have to drive somewhere after. My feelings are really hurt because I know people are going to come to me and my mom and complain that they can't stay anywhere but I gave them plenty of time to book, and they live in the same state so they know it's a hot tourist destination. And I feel like obviously they don't care that much about the wedding because they don't care enough to make plans ahead of time. I refuse to help anyone who comes to me not finding somewhere to stay. I don't feel like this is mean. The invitations go out in June so hopefully they will get the final hint then... but even then it will be cutting it close.
Thanks for listening.