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Registery question????

Hello We are getting married in 2 months and planning on fostering to adopt.. right afterwards.. and we have a goddaughter right now.. whom we may get to adopt... is it wrong of us to put some baby things on our wedding reg.  we live together and dont really need anything
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Re: Registery question????

  • That's a sticky situation.  I would personally advise against it because what happens if (God forbid) the adoption plans fall through?  Or if you never have children of your own.  I would think someone close to you may throw you a baby shower when the time comes.
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  • I guess i might add ... we were talking to my aunt and she said  put some on the wedding reg. and i was a bit shocked but i thought ok.. waht are your opinions on it???
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Registery question????</a>:
    [QUOTE]I guess i might add ... we were talking to my aunt and she said  put some on the wedding reg. and i was a bit shocked but i thought ok.. waht are your opinions on it???
    Posted by BRIDE32412[/QUOTE]

    <div>Don't do it - the marriage and the adoption/fostering are two completely separate events.  You can always have a "baby welcoming party" or something once the adoption is final to celebrate your new child.</div>
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  • Yeah, I would venture a guess that people will want to throw some kind of a baby shower/welcoming party when you do adopt. Asking for baby stuff now is kind of weird.

    You could register for things like extra blankets, bath towels, dishes, glassware, etc. Things you'll need when you have a full house, you know? That would help, but it wouldn't be specifically for your kids.
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