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Sons of Anarchy anyone?-- SPOILER ALERT

So FI and I just watched this week's episode last night...and I cried for sure! I did not see that one coming at all. Anyone else as addicted to the show as I am?
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Re: Sons of Anarchy anyone?-- SPOILER ALERT

  • My FI and I watch it as well. I was speechless, in total shock. NEVER saw that one coming! And the way it was shown was just so disturbing, I am still kind of blown away by it. Can wait to see next week!
    Praying for a miracle!
  • I could barely watch. It was like watching a scary movie, I did it threw half closed fingers. It should have been Tig! Everything is his fault..always has been.
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  • Love love love SOA. I was really surprised about who died, but thinking back on it - it makes sense. His position in the club kind of pointed out this would happen. I'm sad, but I cant wait to see how it affects Jax. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:2884fbb8-818b-4a8a-ae5d-8b71c7d08e00Post:2772d0f3-bcd7-45e8-a551-1bf4c852a836">Re: Sons of Anarchy anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Love love love SOA. I was really surprised about who died, but thinking back on it - it makes sense. His position in the club kind of pointed out this would happen. I'm sad, but I cant wait to see how it affects Jax. 
    Posted by MoonlightSilver[/QUOTE]

    Yea I guess he wanted out or something, I don't know. I'm super sad though, I loved Op!
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  • I loved Opie and was sad to see him go, but at the same time, it makes sense: his 1st wife is dead, his dad is dead, his kids were taken care of, and they've been gradually giving him less and less screen time. He sacrificed so much for the club, and in the end, he made the ultimate sacrifice. You had to know it wouldn't be Tig because Pope wants him to pay for murdering his daughter. I thought for a brief moment that Jax might volunteer Auto, but wasn't sure how that would play out.
  • I wondered if he might send Auto in as well, and then wondered if he would maybe put himself in... but then Opie headbutted the guard, and it was all over... again, still in shock.
    Praying for a miracle!
  • In Response to Re:Sons of Anarchy anyone?:[QUOTE]I wondered if he might send Auto in as well, and then wondered if he would maybe put himself in... but then Opie headbutted the guard, and it was all over... again, still in shock. Posted by mandi195[/QUOTE]
    I think that's why Op did it... he knew Jax wouldn't send anyone else and he also knew that the club needed Jax; no one else was privvy to the RICO case info besides the two of them. But agreed, very much in shock. On the same token, that's what makes Sons so outstanding in an era of cookie cutter sitcoms... Kurt Sutter isn't afraid to kill off fan favorites and he sure has heck knows how to create a buzz!
  • I Love SOA!!!! It was so funny, we were watching it and my hands were over my face, mouth wide open and eyes all teary, FI paused it and said, "Babe, you know these are not real people." LOL thought it was so funny, I just really didnt see it coming, and the look on his face Oh it was horrible. Oh and they title the episode "Laying Pipe"....... Really!?!?!?!?!? Love that show.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:2884fbb8-818b-4a8a-ae5d-8b71c7d08e00Post:30fd9dfc-0507-43b3-bdf0-940dac82da05">Re: Sons of Anarchy anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I Love SOA!!!! It was so funny, we were watching it and my hands were over my face, mouth wide open and eyes all teary, FI paused it and said, "Babe, you know these are not real people." LOL thought it was so funny, I just really didnt see it coming, and the look on his face Oh it was horrible. Oh and they title the episode "Laying Pipe"....... Really!?!?!?!?!? Love that show.
    Posted by abbyizzymommy[/QUOTE]

    I watched it the same way and Jeff said the same thing to me. I had to call one of my girlfriends right then and there and talk about it.
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  • I'm pretty sure DH and I sat in silence for the rest of the episode. I never considered it could have been Otto- I'm pretty sure Pope wanted it to be one of the four of them. Thank goodness it wasn't Chibs- he's one of my new favorites. 

    Opie was and is a favorite, but he's already out of the club and wasn't getting any screen time. Everyone he loves keeps dying, so it'd be hard to pull him back into the club. Sutter needed an out for him, and this was it. 
  • OMG OMG OMG>  I  havent seen it yet... closing my eyes to this post, but had to click it anyway because I saw SOA in the title !!   
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:2884fbb8-818b-4a8a-ae5d-8b71c7d08e00Post:bcb1ceae-80e6-4bd2-af9e-7162c1ac4c5b">Re: Sons of Anarchy anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]OMG OMG OMG />  I  havent seen it yet... closing my eyes to this post, but had to click it anyway because I saw SOA in the title !!   
    Posted by cmgilpin[/QUOTE]


    Perhaps OP can edit the title to include Spoiler Alert?
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:2884fbb8-818b-4a8a-ae5d-8b71c7d08e00Post:3c69e154-5d62-4f9a-930e-7bc5f039b6b3">Re: Sons of Anarchy anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Sons of Anarchy anyone? : DON'T READ THIS THREAD!!! LOL Perhaps OP can edit the title to include Spoiler Alert?
    Posted by KellyBrian2013[/QUOTE]

    LOL  !  As soon as I saw some specifics about the episode, I scrolled to the bottom and posted!  :)
  • Krikin22Krikin22 member
    edited September 2012

    Everyone was posting on FB about it Tuesday night so I was all excited to watch it yesterday when i got home and 5 minutes in our power went out for two hours!! I was so mad lol.

    I couldn't watch the scene either! In related news did you see half sack died in RL?

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Sons of Anarchy anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I could barely watch. It was like watching a scary movie, I did it threw half closed fingers. It should have been Tig! Everything is his fault..always has been.
    Posted by shanding4787[/QUOTE]

    Every time Tig does something terrible, it is because of Clay.
  • In Response to Re:Sons of Anarchy anyone? SPOILER ALERT:[QUOTE]Everyone was posting on FB about it Tuesday night so I was all excited to watch it yesterday when i got home and 5 minutes in our power went out for two hours!! I was so mad lol. I couldn't watch the scene either! In related news did you see half sack died in RL? Posted by Krikin22[/QUOTE]

    Yes, and they think he murdered his elderly landlord... Crazy! He was one of my favorites before he was killed off.
  • I was so upset I couldn't sleep Tuesday night. I loved Opie.
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  • Did anyone stop to think that Jax may have told Opie about RICO and all the details about Clay, JT and Piney because he knew how Opie would react? He knew he'd throw himself in, out of rage and also to get out of the club. Having already given Lila the kids and telling her that he didn't think he loved anything anymore, I think Opie was done. And no one knew him better than Jax. 

    Don't get me wrong, I love Jax, but I think he's getting harder and harder. I know he loved Op and never would have wanted him to die, but why else tell him the truth the way he did? To get a reaction that would supersede his need to call the move. Maybe? 

    This show is brilliant but only because it gets uglier and uglier as each season progresses. Otherwise it would be lame and unrealistic. I watched in horror too... cried and screamed. It's crazy that a show can make you care about characters as harsh as these, but it has and we're all hooked! Lol! 

  • Brita, I like to think that Jax was just trying to get some perspective from his best friend about how to proceed. It must have sucked to keep the real reason for Piney's death from Opie, when Jax is used to sharing everything with him. It also could have been that Jax was planning on getting himself killed (he went to attack the guard but Opie got their first) and he just wanted Opie to know the truth before Jax couldn't tell it anymore. 
  • In Response to Re:Sons of Anarchy anyone? SPOILER ALERT:[QUOTE]Brita, I like to think that Jax was just trying to get some perspective from his best friend about how to proceed. It must have sucked to keep the real reason for Piney's death from Opie, when Jax is used to sharing everything with him. It also could have been that Jax was planning on getting himself killed he went to attack the guard but Opie got their first and he just wanted Opie to know the truth before Jax couldn't tell it anymore.nbsp; Posted by MoonlightSilver[/QUOTE]

    Had it been Clay or Tig he told, I could see it being about somewhat tricking them into sacrifice. No way did Jax want Op to sacrifice himself, and just as Op attacked the cop to "stay close" to Jax, he attacked the guard to save Jax. There was no way Opie was going to be given the gavel if Jax died, and no one else new about RICO. I really think Jax was tired of lying to or deceiving Opie about everything and had to come clean to explain the situation.
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