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Need outsider opinions on compromise

Hey ladies! I don't normally post on this board but I thought it would be a good place to get different opinions. 

My question is: How did you come to a compromise on the size of your wedding (if there was a compromise to be made)?

My FI and I had originally set our wedding date for November of 2012 so we could save up money to do the whole big wedding thing. I would really like to have a smaller wedding (100-150 vs the 240 we have now) sooner than the date we have in mind now. My FI wants the big fancy wedding (which would require saving and waiting). 

So I guess in addition to how you made a compromise, do you see a potential compromise for our situation? We are currently living apart and haven't really been able to discuss changing the date yet, so I'm just looking for possible ideas to talk over with him. 

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Dx PCOS November 2010
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