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Photographer dilemma

Choosing Between Two Diff. Photographers, Looking For some Outside Opinions!
We Can't Choose, But need to put a deposit on one of them in the next month to guarantee we get them.

Re: Photographer dilemma

  • You should post this on your local board.  You'll get insight from people that have actually used them.
  • I didn't put in an opinion.  If it was me, it would depend on how much their packages would cost, and if they fit into your budget.  I liked things about both photographers, but I believe for myself based solely on work alone I would go with Jimmy Haire.
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  • I though that Amy Smith was better for a few reasons.
    1) I thought her website was better put together (which is an important thing with a photographer, if they can't even put together a website do you really want them in charge of editing your pictures?)

    2) A lot of Jimmy Haire's pictures were posed and the one that weren't posed I wasn't really impressed with. Any photographer will be able to get good posed shots I would look for a photographer who will be able to capture moments.

    3) Amy Smith's pictures seems to have more of a professional look to them. Photographers put what they view as their best pictures online so IMO there shouldn't be any that I think anyone could take with a point and shoot camera.

    4) Looking through her gallery it looked like she could do a few different styles which is good because then hopefully you will really be able to discuss with her what you really want.

    But it really comes down to what you can afford as well as what you like best. I would suggest maybe meeting with both and seeing who you click with best.

  • they both do a lovely job. which one fits in your budget better?
  • Have you met either of them?  We had 3 photographers whose work we loved, and they had different pricing structures but were comparable.  After meeting them all in person, it was very clear who we wanted to do our photography.  I recommend scheduling an appointment if possible. 
  • I was in the same boat, so I finally sent the links to someone I know who does photography as a hobby to see if her eye saw anything mine didn't.  If it is just a question of who takes the better pics (i.e. you can afford both, they have equal packages and overall good reviews) then try and ask someone who has an eye for photography.  Good luck!
  • We Can Afford Both. The only difference in price is like $150 for basically the exact same thing.

    Just hoping to find that Extra reason to go with a certain one.

    We've met with both, and both personalilties mix well with us.
  • If you like them both and the $$ is all but equal, request a contract from both of them to review.
    You may be surprised what is and is not in a vendor contract.  If there is a lot of verbage that only protects their interest only.....RED FLAG!
    tie breaker.

    Go with your gut.

  • I've met Jimmy Haire and really considered going with him, but then I looked around some more.  Where is your wedding?  Sounds like we are probably in the same region and I am planning on locking in a photographer soon.  When are you getting married? I see it say 2012, but I cant imagine you are signing contracts with a photog this far in advance.
  • we live in Sanford, NC. We actually went to him for engagement pictures (we want two sets)  and he was looking at his calendar and he's ALREADY booked through DEC 2011. So, we can put a REFUNDABLE deposit on him or amy. If we decide not to go with him or amy, both will give us a refund.
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