Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Alternatives to Unity Candle

I have been looking for an alternative to the unity candle, but I haven't found one that fits yet.
I am getting married at a theatre--like for Plays, not for movies-- in January in Minnesota. Winter is my theme I would say.
I don't want to do sand, because well, its winter. It is going to be like -10 degrees outside. 
IMy Fiance doesn't like the hand-tying thing.
Any Ideas?
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Re: Alternatives to Unity Candle

  • fpaemp2011fpaemp2011 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    Don't know what your religious beliefs are, but we did a Cord of
    Three Strands from  We absolutely love it.

    There's also a Unity Cross-- more on the pricey side, but they're beautiful.
  • I just had a winter ceremony and we did a beautiful sand ceremony. Everything was decorated for winter, with snowflakes and snow branches, etc. And the sand we used was the colors of the wedding: ice blue and silver. No one thought twice about sand not being wintery.

    If you like the sand just use it, as opposed to trying to make it match the theme of your wedding. It should be about what the ceremony  means to you.
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  • Google "the wine, the box, and the love letter ceremony". Its beautiful, and you can alter it to fit your tastes. 
  • You can find the wine box ceremony here.  It's great because it also works as a time capsule.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Alternatives to Unity Candle</a>:
    [QUOTE]Google <strong>"the wine, the box, and the love letter ceremony</strong>". Its beautiful, and you can alter it to fit your tastes. 
    Posted by seesawgirl[/QUOTE]

    <div>That's a really sweet idea - I wish I had done something like that now :-)</div>
  • Just skip it

  • lOVE the wine box idea!
  • edited December 2011
    We were going to do a sand unity as we are getting married at the beach, but I would much rather have this  - the love letter and wine ceremony - as it is also an anniversary gift.

    One thing that I also saw, when researching ideas for my wedding, was a rose ceremony.  Many people are given single roses (real) including the wedding party, family, etc.  During the ceremony, the pastor asks that each person with a rose come forth and deposit it into a vase.

    After the vase is filled with the roses, the Minister explains that this bouquet was made of love for the couple, and that each rose symbolizes good will towards their marraige.

    he further explains that the vase should be displayed in the home in a visible spot, and in times of trouble or pain, either the bride or groom is to place 1 rose into teh vase as a symbol that even though they are in pain and hurt, they still love the other.  After  fight, etc.

    I thought that the premise was very sweet.  I did no justice in describing it however... maybe if you google rose cermemony it will come up.
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  • omg i mentioned to a coworker how FI didnt want to do candle and i didnt want to do sand and had the idea of doing something to do with the "triple braided cord can not be broken" scripture! i didnt kno that its been done before but i am going to look at that website for how they did it because i was kind of stumped on how to actually execute the idea!

    to answer the origional question, i think you can do a sand ceremony in winter because its a pretty accepted ceremony thing these days. i like the rose idea too though

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