I have been hearing lately how weddingbee has such a different vibe than TK, so during my lunch breaks to pass the time I have been lurking over there.
There is a board called 'Emotional' that is particularly interesting (if anyone else likes to lurk like myself). Some of the responses seriously blow me away!
In one thread was the classic "I was engaged first and now she is having her wedding before mine", all the posters were outraged! They were telling her to contact the other bride and ask her to move her date, and they were all "Make sure you send your STDs and Invites out first!"
Just wanted to share my entertainment at reading some of the responses over there, and say thanks to everyone over here who has given me good advice!
I've loved you since I was 8 years old...
243 Invited
171 Are ready to party!
70 Are party poopers!
2 Said they can't give an answer until a week before the wedding..EXCUSE ME?!!!
RSVP Deadline WAS September 20th!