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Wedding Nightmares -- Literally

So my wedding is on 9/18/10, and in real life I've been very relaxed about booking my vendors... we are just about done with everything and I haven't been too stressed. Sleeping, however, is a different story. Last night I had a dream that I was in my beautiful white dress ready to walk down the aisle and found out we had forgotten to get a marriage license so we couldn't get married (I woke my fiance up at 4am to tell him that we can't forget to do that). The week before I had a dream that my DJ didn't show..

Has anyone else had crazy disconcerting dreams? Haha.

Re: Wedding Nightmares -- Literally

  • Yeah, I hear this!  A week ago I had a dream that I was looking for a gown the DAY OF my wedding about panic.  LOL.
  • My latest wedding nightmare involved a hurricane in the middle of the ceremony--FI and I were like, screw it we're getting married anyway!

    I've been having frequent nightmares about anything imaginable that could go wrong. But, at least in the end we always get married. It's just getting there that turns into a nightmare.
  • I have a lot of dreams that the wedding is today, but my to-do list is in its current state.  I actually woke myself out of one of those dreams by realizing that it couldn't be the wedding day, because I hadn't even started the invitations.  I find that the dreams are sort of weirdly comforting, because they help sort out my priorities.  If I'm stressed enough about it that it's showing up in my dreams, it's something I should probably move to the top of the to-do list.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • Absoutely- I do think that it is because we put so much time and energy into making sure every detail is just perfect that the thought that something could go wrong is just horrible.  I had a dream that my wedding dress was blue.  I ordered white but it came in blue.  Don't let your dreams stress you out.  I'm sure you have a planning list of what all needs to get done.  Just follow that and you'll be set!
  • Ohmygoodness! I had a nightmare that I got down the aisle and met FI at the front. At which point he proceeded to grab a microphone and announce to everyone in the audience every single little flaw I have and everything that annoyed him about me. I ran out crying, but he chased me and apologized and we made it to the reception at 10 at night. Of course, no one was there and my mom was packing everything up. My mom got pissed cause we weren't officially married and she found out that we had had make up sex. (We've never slept together IRL and don't plan to until we're married, so that was a big deal). I woke up crying and FI had to reassure me over and over the next day that he really does love me and would never do anything like that... lol!

    I've also dreampt that I forgot my shoes, no-one has shown up for the wedding, I had the wrong dress, etc.,...
    *marc & catrina*
  • I just had a dream last night that I missed all my fittings and my dress didn't fit properly.  Then a couple of weeks ago I dreamt that we forgot all the flowers so we had to go and pick a bunch out of a flower garden.  Wait til the weding gets closer!  Your sleep time should be pretty exciting :Smile
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